If someone want export the phpvms7 flights to volanta, can be done exporting database data to csv with the next sql script.
NOTE: If you have flights currently in volanta and are the same of phpvms7 this isn't overwrite, so you will have duplicate flights in Volanta (Volanta + phpvms7 flights)
SELECT dpt_airport_id AS Origin, arr_airport_id AS Destination, block_off_time AS DepartureTime, pireps.flight_time AS Duration, airlines.name AS Airline, flight_number AS FlightNumber, aircraft.icao AS AircraftType, registration AS AircraftRegistration, route AS Route, block_on_time AS ArrivalTime, distance AS Distance, fuel_used AS Fuel
FROM `pireps`, `aircraft`, `airlines`
WHERE aircraft.id = pireps.aircraft_id AND airlines.id = pireps.airline_id AND user_id=1
ORDER BY block_on_time DESC;