I am going to give some constructive feedback, you may choose to take it however you may. Nonetheless, the new website IMHO is not up to par with even the old one. The margins are out of place, things are off center, the colors are boring, and in general, it feels like a site from 2005. If you have the $$$ I highly suggest posting something in the paid services section, or hire a webmaster to touch up your airline. If you want to learn somethings yourself, teamtreehouse.com has a free 14 day trial and you can learn how to make a template from scratch. Thats is how I learned to code the Hawaiian Website and many other projects. If you want a 100% free alternative, I can also recommend Code Academy, however it is better to use to brush up on skills as it doesn't lay the foundation of setting up website framework and basic structure which is too bad. Anyways, good luck and I hope you found something in this beneficial. Cheers!