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Everything posted by StartVM

  1. Many people have commented that their pilot list items get out of alignment as items go on. Add the following line in each <th> tag as so Example: <th align= "center" width="200px">Crew ID</th> It will make a once misaligned table: http://i.gyazo.com/6df264d06a0e144c5da2548ce0e920e5.png Look Aligned: http://gyazo.com/935e4c5e7015075368ff381217c59b2e Cheers!
  2. I am trying to make pilots listed in one table instead of separated by hub. Have an idea of how to remove this separation? http://pastebin.com/EaUA169z http://i.gyazo.com/6...48ce0e920e5.png
  3. Ariel try this I give all credit to Ryan from Zumeweb.com for the fix. <!-- Javascript --> <script type="text/javascript" src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/vrd/js/jquery-1.10.1.min.js"></script> <script src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/vrd/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js"></script> <!-- Javascript End --> <?php echo $page_htmlhead; ?> Make sure to include all custom javascript or jquery above the htmlhead. Try that, if it doesn't work, I will do a pastebin of the entire head section of my layout.php (Yes .php btw Simpilot groups version of phpVMS is awesome. So many new features and move secure)
  4. Awesome deal servetas. I went and bought a couple modules, and I will be back for more before the sale is over.
  5. Try this as a template http://pastebin.com/WvZTCLvq
  6. Can you please use proper grammar and have your statements make since?
  7. I may just be me, but I went to your website and the registration for displays this http://i.gyazo.com/b89aa62912abbadde516e55787669a19.png Did you edit it at all? If so, upload the following code to registration_mainform.tpl http://pastebin.com/gpryGgnT
  8. phpVMS will work on some free hosts, you need to know which to use. Zymic in my experiance is completely and utterly incompatible with phpVMS. The best is 000webhost.com, but I highly recommend going with a paid one if you really want to invest in your VA
  9. Go into /public_html/core/local.config.php and make sure to update the url of your phpVMS installation
  10. Go to core/local.config.php Find the following Line # Automatically calculate ranks? Config::Set('RANKS_AUTOCALCULATE', true); Change it to false. In the admin panel under edit a pilot, you can manually assign pilot ranks
  11. /public_html/lib/skins/{skin name}/frontpage_main.tpl If you use the crystal skin /public_html/core/templates/frontpage_main.tpl
  12. I am trying to echo the pilot country flag within the newest pilots script. I attached an example of simpilot's airline to show what I want.
  13. Okay I have the code figured out thanks to Collin Biedenkapp from TFDI Design (http://tfdidesign.com). http://pastebin.com/xyndmBna I will put the code in a table layout tomorrow. All I ask is you retain the credits to TFDI as it took him a long time to write this
  14. Yes, but I don't know where I would pull if USER landed at (arrival) ICAO
  15. Sorry I don't understand. This is just a different way to execute the Delete Pilot Account function.
  16. Oh boy two ideas in one night I'm on a role! Well...Maybe. I came up with this idea after having pilots complain about having to contact HR about everything via email. My idea is to create a Resignation Form so pilots can resign directly via the website. Basically it will be a page with their name and pilot ID, and a text area for the pilot to put their reason for resignation When they hit submit, it is submitted to a table in the database and appears in the admin panel in a table (like a list) An admin could simply push approve and it will delete the pilot account, or deny and the entry will be removed. I am thinking about using the LOA Request Form that Sava made and taking out the date function and the pilot manager that I think Parkho made (maybe I am wrong) for the terminate function Who is interested?
  17. I will get around to this throughout the week I hope to release this as a module by Friday Maybe a tad of community input would get it done faster
  18. I would do a separate if and else statement for each cell in the table I am thinking of just expanding off of one module that was developed that lists out all the airports in your database. Can anyone provide the exact statement I would need?
  19. Hello All! I am trying to develop a table like what is in the image below. I assume it will deal with if statements like if pilot lands KSFO display a checkmark. ELSE display a red x.
  20. I am struggling to understand what you want if you want to know how to make pages via a module? I have compiled 2 different pastebins one shows the code to make a link to go to the previous page, the other how to create a page module. Previous Page - http://pastebin.com/pJQRP297 Page Module - http://pastebin.com/bShkCP4Z
  21. You have fixed it again Ryan! Another point for Zumeweb
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