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Everything posted by StartVM

  1. Okay guys, Series I is coming soon! Series I - Setup & Features
  2. Well put, hopefully that will help out others!
  3. Nice work Heliguy! It is people like you that start to bring this forum back to what it should be. Unfortunately, there are always "some" people that need to bring it one step back but I will try not to focus on the negative. Great work!
  4. Nick, don't you have something better to do with your time then go around "policing" everyone. Worry about your own stuff. It is the constant pettiness and negativity, and assumptions that make this forum look like a rat house.
  5. Hopefully this resolves your claim that I didn't buy the Nevia template. I indeed did, thanks!
  6. Considering I did buy the template and you are trying to say that you can justify otherwise which is not possible, speaks of a LIAR to me. I don't see how anyone can find much truth to your words anymore.
  7. Considering I did buy the template and you are trying to say that you can justify otherwise which is not possible, speaks of a LIAR to me. I don't see how anyone can find much truth to your words anymore.
  8. First off, I did indeed buy the Nevis template if you want me to take a screenshot of my Them Forest account I can prove it to you. 2nd, everything on the Hawaiian site is completely original. Nothing is copied from virtualua.org. Remember that HTML is not owned by anyone and we have just as many rights to the layout if the Nevia skin as they do. I am not affiliated with virtualblue.org so I don't see why that is being posted here. I have no idea what you are talking about that my reputation is horrible. Just like everyone, there will be people who don't like you. @maddog93 what is your basis and motive on bringing a bunch of assumptions, accusations, and previous events which are over and done with to the forum. It is people like you that hold this forum bak from what it should be. No one really cares about this kind of stuff. I admit that I made a huge mistake in the page copying content from virtualunitedairlines.org, and I resolved it with them. That was months and months ago. If you have a question or need clarification, you can always PM me, but don't bring unnecessary stuff to the forum. Happy Flying!
  9. Guys I am sorry, but I will be unable to support this module any longer until I learn more php. I am not able to figure out how to patch the application.php so it connects to the fields in application_form.tpl If another developer would like to give it a shot that would be AWESOME!
  10. Sorry guys I have been extremely busy and haven't got around to it. I will try to get a patch out by Wednesday
  11. The following module will allow you to see a list of every pirep submitted throughout the history of your airline. It is under the Creative Commons Attribute. Enjoy!
  12. Hello All, I am looking for someone to repaint the Default FSX A321 with a Hawaiian Airlines texture for Hawaiian Virtual http://hawaiianva.org Please drop an email to me at cmorgan@hawaiianva.org if interested. Cheers! P.S It needs to look like the following (As if it was an A321)
  13. Hello, Are there any plans to create tutorials for the tutorials page on the phpvms.net website? If not, I would be more than willing to start a video tutorial series for phpVMS! I wouldn't mind help from others if you so would want to!
  14. Collin just a word of advise, if you are going to buy a template and sell it ("your" customized version) make sure you get explicit permission from the author or else the only place that $$$ is going to is a lawyer and the courts
  15. I don't get why this discussion had to be continued, but to add to what Tom said, consider it a blessing we have the phpVMS based developers and groups because if you go to someone who does general web design and ither companies you are talking hundreds of $$$ per hour
  16. Lets just end this here over done. We will agree to disagree, its ashame that this is what its come to, but yes. There is no need for input anymore, we all know how these things work
  17. My apologize, I forgot to add the php variable for that in the application.php I will supply an update ASAP
  18. I love how Joeri goes and locks topics for personal attacks on others (http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/20587-impulse-v2/) yet he comes and does it to others. Just shows yet again how hypocritical and childish some of these "adults" are
  19. The module is designed to send to whatever email is the default one used to setup phoVMS or the "webmaster" email. Lots of notifications get sent to this address usually a noreply@yourdomain.com so be sure to check here.
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