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Everything posted by RogerB

  1. I updated to all the new templates. It also does the same thing in the admin panel
  2. The new 30 day chart in the admin panel is nice but the numbers on the bottom are all crunched together and unreadable. Also when adding an airport in the admin panel, when I click look up it looks up the airport then automatically closes the window and and states "some fields left blank"...... Makes it impossible to add an airport
  3. I can't get the acars map to show at all....I checked production site that isn't touched, doesn't show there either. Also finance balance sheet has issues, the chart won't show and I get this error. Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/pirateai/public_html/kesukvirtual/lib/skins/kesuk/finance_balancesheet.tpl on line 60
  4. Getting same error
  5. Got you jake. I will try now..LOL
  6. Yeah, this is the release forum, and I don't see a download anywhere??????
  7. <marquee behavior="scroll" direction="up" align="bottom" scrolldelay="150" onmouseover="this.stop();" onmouseout="this.start();">PUT WHAT EVER YOU WANT HERE</marquee> I did it on my productin site. It works. check it out on the va stats. http://www.pirateairvirtual.com
  8. I have an idea how to do this. I will try and let you know in a few hours..working right now
  9. RogerB

    latest skin

    VATSIM Only.
  10. RogerB

    latest skin

    OK, I added some more stuff today. There are still some things to fix. I am going to include a template to add VATSIM data, and a template to follow when you edit templates. I changed the users online some, it shows the pilot country flag next to the name when online. I want this to be my best skin so its gonna take some more time to get right.
  11. RogerB

    latest skin

    Thanks guys. I am adding the latest bids, and VATSIM users online.....And a few other things before I release.
  12. RogerB

    latest skin

    I have another skin in the works, wanted to show everyone. Let me know what you think and what features you would like to see with this one. http://www.pirateairvirtual.com
  13. I've had this happen to me, i just hit send again and it goes thru
  14. I have routes that don't all require refueling so I set the price to 0 if a pilot doesn't refuel. It appears the system is still charging me for the fuel. Many of the airports in Alaska don't have fuel so the pilots take enough for the return trip.
  15. Do the two of you have anything in common? Like any software you may of tested?
  16. It will randomly show in the admin panel for me, but hardly ever.
  17. when I try to delete an expense nothing showz on the debugger. Admin log is working for me.
  18. It appears every single pilot on my roster is labeled as retired, I am going to go threw everyone and see if it will change. >
  19. I concur, you can edit expenses but cannot remove them.
  20. I noticed this, but was doing other stuff with the site, wasn't sure if it was a bug..but same issue here.
  21. what i noticed, is the system is doubling up the pilot code...
  22. I have noticed this also, the retired thing i mean. Ok I did a flight today, got a "send database error" clicked ok and hit send again, it went thru. Gonna take a look at the log now.
  23. After investigating myself last night, I discovered the "flight from va" option wasn't working. I entered the flight manually in fsacars and it seemed to work just fine. I will try an actual flight today and see what happens.
  24. yeah sorry, i was on the way out the door. Acars isn't connecting to the site....
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