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Everything posted by RogerB

  1. RogerB

    Pilot Center

    Those are some very nice control panels. Now I want to redo mine!!
  2. I am going to make a tutorial about how to make some custom pages, and changes.
  3. Whats going on with this? I was just thinking about what happened to this project.
  4. RogerB


    As Nabeel said, most of the final output is html.....
  5. No download link?
  6. RogerB

    latest skin

    Ok guys...I am going to come up with a fix for people with multipul hubs...
  7. Love the new forums.....rock!!
  8. just drop some HTML image code in the notes and your good to go
  9. This is already an option in the system. Just create the group name and assign the permissions. Its under Pilots/Groups
  10. didn't know if anyone ever tried this. I threw and image in a few of my mail charters...have a look. http://www.kesukvirtual.com/index.php/schedules/details/18
  11. RogerB

    latest skin

    go into core/modules/pilots and open pilots.php // Get all of our hubs, and list pilots by hub $allhubs = OperationsData::GetAllHubs(); if(!$allhubs) $allhubs = array(); foreach($allhubs as $hub) { $this->set('title', $hub->name); $this->set('icao', $hub->icao); $this->set('allpilots', PilotData::findPilots(array('p.hub'=>$hub->icao))); $this->render('MY_pilots_list.tpl');<<<<i CHANGED THIS Make your own pilots_list.tpl, make sure to change the name and drop in your skin folder...I have done this and it works fine....just have to change every update....
  12. RogerB

    latest skin

    I would find another way to show different hubs. Make them separate pages.
  13. RogerB

    latest skin

    The pilot page worked when I released...
  14. RogerB

    latest skin

    What he is trying to tell you Kyle, is look inside that folder, "ObsessBlue" and make sure there isn't another folder inside that called "ObsessBlue"....Sometimes when you unzip it will create a folder with in a folder...
  15. RogerB

    latest skin

    I am using this skin on the latest version with no issues...two other people are using it with no issue i know of.
  16. RogerB

    How To Forums?

    There are several video tutorials on this site that show you all you need to know
  17. This is so weird..some times it works but then the dept. and arriv icons are bunched together....strange.
  18. RogerB

    latest skin

    I guess....It does appear the header.tpl is missing. All you have to do is unzip the file and drop the folder in lib/skins/
  19. RogerB

    latest skin

    Mark I had a go at the css for this. Those box's are as follows. This is the code for the text <div class="mc01cc"> This is the entire box area <div class="mcbox01">
  20. RogerB

    latest skin

    Haha....Yeah its all good....Your all welcome...Ada I would hope your chagning that to reflect AAL's colors down the road.
  21. RogerB

    latest skin

    You can adjust that in the css file. I can have a look later and find the setting.
  22. RogerB

    Skin question

    I ported compromise....whats the issue?? do you have a link?
  23. I just looked on the dev site again. when you look at filed flight reports, the map doesn't show the ride line for the route. so it isn't fixed.
  24. RogerB

    latest skin

    Are you wanting them to align left?
  25. No worries Lloyd...
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