I am in the process of implementing a new skin for my operation. My main pages will be .php type pages. The strange thing is they all have the same code but only 3 or 4 act up and I am baffled...
this is the error.
I want to use jquery to view screen shots, has anyone tried this with the module? I am working on a new site that already uses this function so all i need to do is implement it in the code.
Keep in mind i have changed nothing on my site, When I go to the admin panel I have no general settings and on my pages I'm getting this error. I have no idea what's going on as I have changed nothing and the site was fine until last night.
I mistakenly emptied the settings table in mysql.
I am using the stable version, what ever that is. I added a custom filed, a text area for bio. For some reason the only way to edit or enter data into that field is from the admin panel and that doesn't always stick. Any ideas as to why?
You can change the price of fuel when you edit..You need to edit your local.config, there you can set kg, or gallons, lbs etc....you must set up expenses in the Admin panel under the Reports Expenses link..
I guess because it is outside that module is the reason the code isn't working. I was trying to display this on the crew page, won't work....I am not that good with code, maybe one of the coding guru's here can help.
I forget who created this mod, [don't feel like searching] "detailed Fleet info" but, it displays aircraft that are retired, would anyone mind post code to have this mod not show retired aircraft?
I actually still have it, but in the old format. I always leave the original index.html file in tact if you want to port it in the new format yourself.
Have any of you messed with the pilots stats page? All it shows are the two graphs which is very boring..I was thinking of adding total miles flown, cargo, their best landing things like that..