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Everything posted by RogerB

  1. I have the files on fspaint shop....Are you guys still having trouble?? I'll post how I use it on Kesuk.
  2. RogerB

    Alternate way

    How do we change the logout redirect?
  3. RogerB

    Alternate way

    Could I do some sort of redirect for the index.htm to temporarily override the index.php?? I went in to my cpanel and created a redirect to index.htm and that works...We shall see if the phpvms code will work on that page.
  4. RogerB

    Alternate way

    My front page has a flash entro that only appears on the front page or index.htm. Its a generation 8 template that is very complex. Wait mark I think I know what you mean. But. How can I overide the index.php on my site??
  5. Can you be a bit more specific as to what?
  6. RogerB

    Alternate way

    The biggest hurdle I have now is that my front page and all the other content pages are totally different....I can't seem to find a way to make a totally different front page and content pages.
  7. @ MD82....You have directly ripped off my skin and items off my site...Remove immediately or I am contacting your provider ....Your too much of a **d o u c h e** to even change the colors for christ sakes..
  8. RogerB

    Alternate way

    The front page only works when I rename it index.php. I had to eliminate the phpvms index file...Is that ok?
  9. RogerB

    Alternate way

    Ok, I got the front page working. I am having problems getting the templates to render...I am missing some crucial code I take it.
  10. RogerB

    Alternate way

    <?php include 'core/codon.config.php'; ?> It works. So far turning out really nice.. I put this code at the beginning of the index.php file. I replaced the default index.php code with the code from my web template. When I try to run any of the templates or modules its saying they don't exist.
  11. I am trying to redesign my site in html/php instead of skinning. Proving to be very difficult.
  12. RogerB

    Alternate way

    I am gonna melt down.....LOL
  13. RogerB

    Alternate way

    So far no luck. Can't get any code to work...arghhh
  14. RogerB

    Alternate way

    Could I see an example??
  15. RogerB

    Alternate way

    Thanks simpilot. sounds possible then. I have a really great template I purchased and skinning just makes it unusable..Sick of having all the constraints of skinning.
  16. RogerB

    Alternate way

    Is there a way to use phpvms without the traditional "skinning" process? I want to use a normal html site without the restrictions of skinning...I want to know if it will work first. Skinning has too many hurdles ....
  17. done
  18. And even the stable has bugs.
  19. I forgot to include one file, the most important one that makes it work..LOL sorry...re download to get it. the vatsimPHPgenerater.php wasn't in the download and you need that outside of the directory on your server to work. You implement this using the example i included.
  20. RogerB


    I want a new skin for Kesuk, I have an idea what I want but really don't have the time with all the other stuff going on as registration has really taken off. Anyone want to help?? I can pay.
  21. I like it. Maybe add at least one other color for some contrast. Very nice job though! Call it "invisible grey"
  22. I will probably get in trouble and forced to take it off but the files are available on www.fspaintshop.com, so get them while you can. I included and example read me in the directory. Do not change the name of the included directory. Just unzip and put the directory on your server.
  23. I have the files, I'll zip em up for you guys. Brian's site is closed
  24. thanks for the code!! It works great. I did some mods to fit my site.
  25. RogerB

    Obsess blue

    All you have to do is google this issue and about 5000 websites will come up showing you how to do this.
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