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Everything posted by RogerB

  1. For vatsim you need vatsimphp on your site...It appears he closed his site for now. I can give you the files if you like...
  2. Last code doesn't work, and it jacks up my front page. Not sure why
  3. This gonna be like the last project you abandoned??
  4. Kesuk is my 2nd VA, I wanted to do something a bit different and take a break from the big jets and actually fly an aircraft. It seemed that hardly anyone was taking on what Alaska had to offer and that Alaska wasn't getting the recognition it deserved so I said, ALASKA IT IS!! That was 2 years ago, and now with the shows Fying Wild Alaska and Alaskan Wing Men bush flying is gaining popularity. After launching Kesuk I noticed other Alaskan Charters started popping up, even copying my fleet, I guess that's the best form of flattery.We have been featured in Computer Pilot Magazine and on the show 10 minute taxi. If you want to have a look at an original,quality, and always expanding idea stop by we would like to have you! At Kesuk its all about fun!!
  5. RogerB

    Pay Kacars

  6. RogerB

    954 issues

    Why, its an update issue. Doing it on two different sites...
  7. RogerB

    954 issues

    Sure is and my site isn't working right now due to this...
  8. RogerB

    954 issues

    I updated to 954, I also ran this update on my Dev site and having the same issue. Has anyone else updated to 954??
  9. RogerB

    954 issues

    Well, my site is hosed, I am going to go back a version if I can....WTF....
  10. RogerB

    954 issues

    Just updated, getting this error rse error: syntax error, unexpected ')' in /home1/pirateai/public_html/kesukvirtual/core/common/PIREPData.class.php on line 1078
  11. Since updating I am finding bugs all over, I can't edit pireps, the registration page was hosed...I am updating to the current build Anybody have some raid??
  12. Thanks lorathon, that fixed it. Better put that one in the bug section.
  13. Nabeel???
  14. Tried a file from an earlier version, errors out on line 95... weird..
  15. This is my line 87....Fresh install 950 WHERE name=\'' . $groupname . '\'';
  16. FsPaint shop was hacked a few months ago, I used E107 then, they got in threw the contact form. I just switched forums, deleted the database and directory for the old. Kesuk, I have no idea but it was hacked twice.. My host told if the contact and registration pages aren't done correctly it can be a problem.
  17. here is that whole string /** * Get a group ID, given the name */ public static function getGroupID($groupname) { $sql = 'SELECT groupid FROM ' . TABLE_PREFIX . 'groups WHERE name=\'' . $groupname . '\''; $res = DB::get_row($sql); return $res->groupid; }
  18. will do
  19. bump
  20. Getting this error when pilots apply.
  21. That was a specific attack on E107 world wide actually, they found a hole in the contact form. I did want to say: Despite all our differences and personality clashes, we as the PHPvms community stuck together and helped one another out, I think that is great and important to remember. Thanks guys.
  22. Ok, that was the case Tom but you could of been nice and agreed with me for once.
  23. When you have a quality and original project people want to attack it.
  24. I found the problem directory, it was called attachments, this directory had code that was removing protection on my php files.
  25. head over to shout box
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