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Blu-Express VA

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Everything posted by Blu-Express VA

  1. Hi, i've other problem, how to change the order from DESC to ASC?, because i change this: $query="SELECT * FROM phpvms_pilots ORDER BY joindate DESC"; with: $query="SELECT * FROM phpvms_pilots ORDER BY joindate ASC"; in my pilot list, but the rank image no view!, this is my code : <h3><font color="#152F60"><?php echo $title?></h3></font> <?php if(!$allpilots) { echo 'There are no pilots!'; return; } ?> <table width="98%" border="0" cellspacing="0"> <thead> <tr> <th id="sample">Pilot ID</th> <th id="sample">Name</th> <th id="sample">Rank</th> <th id="sample">Flights</th> <th id="sample">Hours</th> <th id="sample">Status</th> <th id="sample">IVAO</th> <th id="sample">VATSIM</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php $query="SELECT * FROM phpvms_pilots ORDER BY joindate ASC"; $list=DB::get_results($query); foreach ($list as $pilot) { /* To include a custom field, use the following example: <td> <?php echo PilotData::GetFieldValue($pilot->pilotid, 'VATSIM ID'); ?> </td> For instance, if you added a field called "IVAO Callsign": echo PilotData::GetFieldValue($pilot->pilotid, 'IVAO Callsign'); */ // To skip a retired pilot, uncomment the next line: //if($pilot->retired == 1) { continue; } ?> <tr> <td width="1%" nowrap><a href="<?php echo url('/profile/view/'.$pilot->pilotid);?>"> <?php echo PilotData::GetPilotCode($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid)?></a> </td> <td> <img src="<?php echo Countries::getCountryImage($pilot->location);?>" alt="<?php echo Countries::getCountryName($pilot->location);?>" /> <?php echo $pilot->firstname.' '.$pilot->lastname?> </td> <td><img src="<?php echo $pilot->rankimage?>" alt="<?php echo $pilot->rank;?>" /></td> <td><?php echo $pilot->totalflights?></td> <td><?php echo Util::AddTime($pilot->totalhours, $pilot->transferhours); ?></td> <td><div align="center"><?php If ($pilot->retired == 0) { echo '<img src="http://www.bluepanoramava.joomlafree.it/green-status.png" />'; } else { echo '<img src="http://www.bluepanoramava.joomlafree.it/red-status.png" />'; } ?></div></td> <td><?php $fieldvalue = PilotData::GetFieldValue($pilot->pilotid, 'IVAO ID'); if($fieldvalue != '') { echo '<a href="http://www.ivao.aero/members/person/details.asp?ID='.$fieldvalue.'" target="_blank"><center><center><img src="http://www.bluepanoramava.com/lib/skins/brilliancev1/images/yesvat.png" width="20" height="18" border="0" alt="IVAO ID" /></center></a>'; } else { echo '<center><img src="http://www.bluepanoramava.com/lib/skins/brilliancev1/images/novat.png" width="20" height="18" border="0"/></center></a>'; } ?> </td> <td><?php $fieldvalue = PilotData::GetFieldValue($pilot->pilotid, 'VATSIM ID'); if($fieldvalue != '') { echo '<a href="http://www.vataware.com/pilot.cfm?cid='.$fieldvalue.'" target="_blank"><center><img src="http://www.bluepanoramava.com/lib/skins/brilliancev1/images/yesvat.png" width="20" height="18" border="0" alt="Vatsim ID" /></center></a>'; } else { echo '<center><img src="http://www.bluepanoramava.com/lib/skins/brilliancev1/images/novat.png" width="20" height="18" border="0"/></center></a>'; } ?> <?php ?></td> <?php } ?> </tbody> </table> Thanks in advance
  2. Ok, i modified my code with: <?php $query="SELECT * FROM phpvms_pilots ORDER BY joindate DESC"; $list=DB::get_results($query); foreach ($list as $pilot) { ?> <p><a href="<?php echo url('/profile/view/'.$pilot->pilotid);?>"><?php echo PilotData::GetPilotCode($pilot->code, $pilot->pilotid). ' ' .$pilot->firstname . ' ' . $pilot->lastname?></a></p> <?php } ?> Thanks to Kairon and TAV1702
  3. Hello, use this code but I have problems, I do not appear in the pictures, as I do to bring them to the left next to Flight ', The status is always Enroute even when they are on the ground or by taxi or take-off landing, why? Can you pass the correct code? @ Txmmy83 can you pass me the code that you put you and then I go change? Thanks!
  4. Yes, and change rank in your admin CP pilot profile.. http://yoursite/admin/index.php/pilotadmin/viewpilots?action=viewoptions&pilotid=**PILOTID**
  5. Hi, i add my code: <?php if(!$pireps) { echo '<p>Sorry No recent flights have been found</p></div>'; return; } $flights = PIREPData::getLastReports($userinfo->pilotid, '20'); $string = ""; foreach($flights as $flight) { $string = $string.$flight->depicao.'+-+'.$flight->arricao.',+'; } ?> <p align="center"><strong>Pilots Recent Flights</strong><br /><img src="http://www.gcmap.com/map?P=<?php echo $string ?>&MS=bm&MR=240&MX=685x360&PM=pemr:star10:white%2b%22%25I%22:white&PC=orange" /><br /> Maps generated by the <a href="http://www.gcmap.com/">Great Circle Mapper</a> - copyright © <a href="http://www.kls2.com/~karl/">Karl L.Swartz</a></p> but for pilots with one flight the result are: http://bluepanoramava.joomlafree.it/phpVMS/index.php/profile/view/3233 and for pilots without one flight the result are: http://bluepanoramava.joomlafree.it/phpVMS/index.php/profile/view/9139 Why??? Thanks!
  6. For center the Title go in: your core/templates/news_newsitem.tpl change: <h3><?php echo $subject;?></strong></h3> With: <center><h3><?php echo $subject;?></strong></h3></center> For center the text and title and Post date go in your core/templates/news_newsitem.tpl change: <h3><?php echo $subject;?></strong></h3> <p>Posted by <?php echo $postedby;?> on <?php echo $postdate;?></p> <p><?php echo html_entity_decode($body);?></p> <hr> With: <center><h3><?php echo $subject;?></strong></h3></center> <center><p>Posted by <?php echo $postedby;?> on <?php echo $postdate;?></p></center> </center><p><?php echo html_entity_decode($body);?></p></center> <hr> for center text and title change with: <center><h3><?php echo $subject;?></strong></h3></center> <p>Posted by <?php echo $postedby;?> on <?php echo $postdate;?></p> </center><p><?php echo html_entity_decode($body);?></p></center> <hr>
  7. In your Core/templates registration_sentconfirmation.tpl and registration_complete.tpl
  8. Ok, Thanks, I will try to create it All solved, thanks to all...
  9. Ok, Found the code, Found the code, but how do I create another code like this: <?php MainController::Run('FrontBids', 'RecentFrontPage', 5); ?> to put one for the pilots online, another for Recent flights and another for flights? For example: this for the pilots online: <?php MainController::Run('ONLINE', 'RecentFrontPage', 5); ?> this for the last flight: <?php MainController::Run('ARRIVALS', 'RecentFrontPage', 5); ?> Flights booked for this: <?php MainController::Run('BOOKED', 'RecentFrontPage', 5); ?> ? Thanks!
  10. Hello, I searched the forum as to create the Flight Arrivals stuartpb site, but have not found anything, I tried the code that is in the public profile of pilot but exit error: No reports have been filed, although there are pirep, there a way to get it working properly to see what were the past and link to pirep see the report, etc.? Thanks
  11. Oh sure, I just wanted to know how to create it, in fact I wrote above the custom for my VA, I never copied your site;) thanks anyway
  12. Hello, how can I put a table like this: http://execair.org/ (bottom) course, the table will be personalized;) for new drivers and the latest flights and flights booked? Two other things How can I do to make the Flight Arrivals and Flight Booking? I use this form: http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/4498-flightbookingsystem/ Is there any code for this module? Someone pass me the code (maybe stuartpb) Thanks!
  13. Ok, Thanks, but I have another question, look at my site: http://bluepanoramava.joomlafree.it/phpVMS/index.php/ To the right is written in white, I tried to put both the center and left, but is evil!, how do to position it perfectly according to the image? Thanks!
  14. Where i put this code? $list=DB::get_results($query); What is the file?? Thanks
  15. Hi, I would like to license this image as background (http://bluepanoramava.joomlafree.it/Background%20Sid.gif) sid in the area of my site (http://bluepanoramava.joomlafree.it/phpVMS/index.php/) I tried to put this code in your CSS: #sample2 { background: transparent url(http://bluepanoramava.joomlafree.it/Background%20Sid.gif)no-repeat; color: #FFFFFF; text-align:center; } connecting it to the title with: <h3 id="sample2">My Title</h3> but does not work, narrows the picture! is there a way for it to remain the size Original? Thanks!
  16. Hi, already exist module for IPB? Thannnkksks
  17. Hi, I've the module Newest pilots in my website, but it's ordered according to the number of Callsign, my question is: It's possible to order the module Newest pilots not according to Callsign but to the Date of Join?? Thanks
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