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Everything posted by reed0427

  1. http://www.historicairlinegroup.com/index.php/schedules/view
  2. Can't select a flight. When I try to search schedules, nothing appears, whether I'm searching be departure airport, destination or aircraft type. Reloaded the flight schedule but still no luck. Monday morning issues? David Red Historic Airline Group
  3. I'm trying to log into cpanel to make updates to the website but apparently I have forgotten the password to log in. How do I go about retrieving it, or getting a new one?
  4. Anyone know why I'm still getting these messages? I have 100+ pireps ready to submit that will not. I keep getting this message for each of them: FAILED exporting PIREP #18364 No response from API server This has been going on for a couple of weeks now.
  5. Here at Historic Airline Group we have several freight airlines that fly to a distribution airport, where more flights in smaller aircraft fly to other destinations. I'm looking to add an Excel-type format page where freight amounts are selected by pilots and moved accordingly. What I need is someone who knows how to do this. I'm thinking an Excel spreadsheet that works on a web page. Anyone want to discuss the idea more: davidreedbrt@gmail.com
  6. When I go to my admin dashboard I see this message: You have 13 PIREPS waiting for export to vaCentral. Click here to send them When I click to send them, I only get an error message. My partner tried on his computer, same issue. Any ideas?
  7. OK, I found that. I see the salt column you're talking about, but honestly, I'm not confident enough to go any farther with it. You seem to know more about this than myself, want to give it a try? [Removed Personal Information]
  8. OK, is this done through the cpanel? Because I went there and couldn't find any file called phpvms_pilots.
  9. Checked and the email address was good. Changed to a different email address. Received a validation support email. Validated, then changed the email back to the original (hotmail). No validation email received. Changed it again to the new email address (gmail). Received validation email. OK, it doesn't like hotmail. With new email and password at phpvms, I went to the VA website and tried to log in with the new email and password. This user does not exist. Tried old email (hotmail) and new password. Incorrect. This is a heck of a lot of work for simply recovering a password!
  10. Recently I changed my password for some unknown reason. Naturally I didn't write it down. Today I can't get logged in even though I have tried every possible password I can think of. I need someone from phpvms to go into my admin section and either find my password or issue a new one. I tried selecting the link "I forgot my password". I enter my email address, it says a new password has been sent, yet no password ever shows up in either regular mail or junk mail folders. Frustrating.
  11. The entry was checked and is correct. However, the problem persists. I wonder if this is a fault in the PHPvms system. VACentral has not received an update from us for months because of this fault.
  12. This is a previous problem that has returned. We have the message "You have 167 PIREPS waiting for export to vaCentral. Click here to send them" but when we try to file them, we get this: vaCentral PIREP Export FAILED exporting PIREP #15595 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #15594 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #15593 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #15592 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #15591 - No response from API server FAILED exporting PIREP #15590 - No response from API server FAfrom API serverFAILED exporting PIREP #15587 - No response from API server (167 times)
  13. We have over a hundred pireps outstanding, and we can't get the site to approve them. Response is always: Failed exporting pirep #15536 - no response from API server. Little help? David Reed Historic Airline Group
  14. Malware alright. Deleted.
  15. Lately I have been getting a popup on the left side of my screen every time I select a page at phpVMS or my VA web site. It's titled "Related Searches" and has 7 links below it. Sometimes it not only displays the popup but also opens a new page for some sort of ad. Has anyone else been getting this? Not a fan of it. Every time I do anything on my webpage I have to close the popup because it appears every time a new page opens. Aggravating!
  16. Looking to create a new look for our website and I need someone who can create a new website in phpVMS for us. David Reed reed0427@hotmail.com
  17. Yes, deleting all the recent files was probably a pretty lame idea on my part. Luckily I have friends who aren't so ignorant of web site-ology and have been able to get things rolling again. Lesson learned- next time, call in an expert!
  18. Our site was compromised, so I read the forum and looked for all the suspicious files. Found one, deleted it. Problem persisted. So I did what most people suggested- I went through every file and deleted everything dated after Sept 10. Now the entire website is down. WTF?
  19. Right now, all flights have a set departure and arrival time. Scheduled times. Charter flights are not scheduled and so their departure time can be more random. A charter to XYZ may leave at 0700 this time, but next time it may leave at 1900. For my charter flights it would be nice if the departure time was randomly assigned somehow.
  20. I'm just wondering if it is possible to have a bid award that uses random start times? It would be helpful for charter flights!
  21. I want to add a link on my website so pilots can download or view a word document. Problem is, I don't know where I can post the document so I can link to it. I tried googledocs but it only stores files, you can't link to the file. I tried uploading them via my cpanel, but the link is not recognized. I'm assuming that is because you need to log in to view that page. Any ideas where I could upload these files to?
  22. Yes and no. When I select the code I get Warning: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, class 'Finance' does not have a method 'viewreportquery=100%26dc8-32+paa&type=aircraft&action=filter&submit=filter' in /home/historic/public_html/core/classes/MainController.class.php on line 218. Am I entering the "Filter Financials wrong?
  23. Just curious. In the Reports & Expenses/Overview tab it shows total pilots, total flights and total hours flown for each airline we have. Can this info be changed? I'd like to know the monthly data figures. Also, in the aircraft reports. Are the figures shown the total since we started with phpVMS? Can I get monthly figures instead? Computer programming savvy I am not, but I can usually follow instructions pretty well
  24. reed0427

    Kg vs Lbs

    This has probably been asked before, but kACARS reports fuel in pounds to phpvms, then it gets recorded as kilograms. When doing manual pireps, pilots need to convert lbs to kgs. I was just wondering if there is a way to get phpvms to record fuel in lbs instead of kilograms.
  25. Were were talking on our forum and were wondering how does kACARS determine the landing rate? At touchdown the rate becomes zero, so is the rate determined at the moment of contact? One second prior? Two seconds? Is it an average of the last few seconds? And take off speed. Is it the IAS at the moment of liftoff? Just curious how these parameters are determined.
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