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Everything posted by reed0427

  1. MD80: Half the price of a new 737 is one reason. Also, First Class is the quietest cabin of any airplane. Love the MD80's!
  2. I signed up with VA Central several months ago and have never been activated. I get the monthly reports, and of course it shows no activity, no airline.
  3. The first one was the folder within the modules folder, the second one was what was inside the folder. So I left them as is. When I open kACARS I can log in. When I try to get flight bid info it says No Flight Found. I went to the Options tab and checked the info. It all seems correct, which I'm assuming is why it logs me on with no problem. When I check VA Profiles it comes up blank. I open the VA box and the airline is listed. I select it, then click on Save. When I do that, the base URL, pilot ID and password disappear. I close the Options box and try to get the flight bid info again, and again it says No Flight Found. I select Options and VA Profile again. Again, the box is empty. Seems to me it should be displaying the airline profile info. I'm sure it's probably something simple, it worked just fine a few weeks ago. Do I have the kACARS_Free folder in the right place?
  4. Did that, same issue. It will log in, but it doesn't see my bids. Others on the staff have the same issue, so I'm assuming it is in how I have it set up in cpanel. When I search kACARS in the cpanel files I get these two. I'm thinking maybe I have one too many entries. /public_html/core/modules/kACARS_Free /public_html/core/modules/kACARS_Free/kACARS_Free.php
  5. I don't, and still no luck. Drop me an email would you, see if we can figure out what's not working here. reed0427(at)hotmail.com
  6. Thanks Jeff. Today we started seeing different fuel prices, so maybe live fuel pricing is back up. Hey, just made the change to the app.config.php and I didn't crash the web site. That's what I call a major success!
  7. If i wanted to make fuel prices standard at all my cities, how would I do that? Can I put in different fuel prices at different cities on my own? Thanks.
  8. I downloaded kACARS again and loaded it up to public_html/core/modules/kACARS_Free, overwriting the existing file. Now I can log on to kACARS, but it still doesn't find my bid. In kACARS my base URL is set to http://www.historicairlinegroup.com/phpvms.
  9. I noticed KACARS has quit working in the last day or two. I'm assuming this is caused by the site restoration?
  10. When a pilot bids a flight from London to Paris, his next flight must originate in Paris. He can't jump to Dallas and fly from there. When he brings up the Flight Schedules, only flights originating in Paris will appear. So he bids on a flight from Paris to New York. When he completes that trip, only flights from New York will appear. The program must work for each pilot individually. If Pilot B flies to Amsterdam, then for him only flights from Amsterdam will be available next. Seems to me like it's just a matter of filtering out all airports except the pilot's last destination. Does anyone have a program that does this already?
  11. Saw a posting in the forum from a year ago about a new Flight Booking System. Emailed the creator but got no response. Has anybody tried it, and how happy are you with it? We like the idea of making pilots depart from the airport they last landed at, but the zip file we downloaded would be more helpful if it had install instructions with it. It say in the posting to create an SQL table. A what? I'm lost right there....
  12. We have been using Createaforum for our VA's forum. It was what we started with back when the VA was first started. Today I'd like to switch to a forum that has features we are looking for, like only allowing members of our VA, etc. What forum would you recommend? Does phpVMS have a forum available to each VA?
  13. reed0427


    In my Admin section, under Reports & Expenses, Overview. The data displayed, over what time period is this based? Second, when we compute our income and expenses, we use 80 cents per mile per seat for income (or 3 cents per pound/mi for cargo flights), fuel at $1.50/kg and operating expenses at 15%. My question is, is there a standard we are supposed to be following? Thanks!
  14. Thanks Roger!
  15. Two questions: First, the fuel is being calculated at $5.1 per kg on all our pireps. Is this because of the ongoing issues? Seems like it should be $1.5 for a more accurate price (at 3 kg per gallon that would be $4.50/gal). Either that or it's reporting $5.1 per gallon instead of kg. Second, when you edit the pirep there is a block for expenses (Additional expenses for this flight (catering, cleaning, etc). Where do I enter this data for each aircraft type so it is automatically calculated? Thanks!
  16. Keep up the good work!
  17. reed0427


    I keep getting VA Central reports by email, but I'm not a part of VA Central. I'd join but I can't seem to find where!
  18. reed0427


    In the schedules we can create income for each flight by creating a price per seat. My question is what can we do with this besides add a little realism to the flight? Compete against other VA's?
  19. One of our pilots had this happen and I'm at a loss as to why. Anyone else seen this issue before? When he goes to bid on a flight, the "Add to bid" lettering is in purple. When he clicks on it the response is "No Route Passed". I've never had this issue but for him it is a recurring problem. David Reed / HAG
  20. Several of our aircraft are in Category III rating. When a pilot reaches 80 hrs they are supposed to be able to view and bid for these Category III aircraft. However, pilots are complaining that even with 90+ hours, they still can not see category III aircraft. When I change their category to Cat II, they appear normally. I double-checked the aircraft category is set right, and that the aircraft is actually in the schedule. All seems good, but they still can't see them when they are listed as category III. Any ideas why?
  21. Great, thanks!
  22. I have mine set this way already. Do I want to change True to False, or did you mean to make it as shown?
  23. When someone bids on a flight, is that flight only available to them until it is completed? I always thought "bid" was meant as "select" and that any number of people can select it. What's the scoop?
  24. Good ideas, I'll try them. I've been adding ip's in IP Deny Manager, but they still keep coming, even from the one's I denied, like aol.com, gmail.com, etc. Last night I got 198 spammer applications. The fight goes on...
  25. Been doing that. Most can be banned, but others are either unrecognized or too common, like gmail.com or yahoo.com. Too many legitimate pilots use these email sites.
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