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Everything posted by liberie

  1. Hello Nabeel since last night our VA can't upload flights to the VA central giving API timeout is the server down ?
  2. Yep I'm using schedules table since http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=1584.0 was made for it and it's pretty handy for our pilots if you will add this column to schedule table I could wait and rewrite np Thanks a lot for your time
  3. strange I can't find this column on which table is it ? Thanks
  4. Strange my maps are ok as you can see here http://www.kafly.net/index.php/acars I'm flying right now (KFY2001 - Liberio Cunha) and finances I did not see any errors on our data , except a pilot which sent a pirep that had 3.000.000 kilos of fuel used on a flight , but this was more a fsacars glitch than be a issue on phpvms.
  5. Hello Do anyone know why the field flighttime on table phpvms_schedules, is float instead of varchar this is giving me some problems with fuel calculations where some short flight that I added with 00:40 minutes does get recorded at the database as 0.4 the only "solution" I found was use 00:45 which gets 0.45 Thanks
  6. Yep , as Nabeel says use on footer.tpl , I do use there with GA and no problems so far (because GA itself) (great reports)
  7. You could use google analytics will return you a lot more information than a hit counter.
  8. Sorry I did not want to offend you by complain I mean, did report as a problem. Again sorry for any confusion that this wording did
  9. Nabeel is working after the line removal for the user that is complaining , is working as intent , you could reduce the time for acars clean up at your local.config by default will show the flights over the past 12 hours
  10. Route is attached to the pirep (fsacars did populate from the site) Route:GRA UT101 MDP UA310 CRR UM540 POR UA314 FLN UW21 ANISE
  11. WOW this pirep looks "great" http://www.kafly.net/index.php/pireps/viewreport/62
  12. that is after I do use update.php I did now run checkdb and db is clean (all OKs) I also imported airways by hand to mysql and no errors was found (SQL now is correct) so 1) table is created properly but is not installed any airways 2) using mysql < airways.sql works (no errors) 3) live acars map still not working (i'm trying to check why , to give you some clue on what could be)
  13. Hello I did updated , but problem with the table persists , is not populated by default acars live map also do not work properly (i did all the steps of copy over new tpls and clean browser cache) log attached Update.txt
  14. navdb does import fine with mysql -u root -p -h localhost XXXXXXX < navdb.sql
  15. the airway has a typo INSERT INTO `phpvms_airways` (`name`, `points`) VALUES should be INSERT INTO `phpvms_airways` (`airway`, `points`) VALUES or update.sql is wrong since says CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `phpvms_airways` ( `id` int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `airway` varchar(5) NOT NULL, `points` text NOT NULL, `type` int(11) NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM;
  16. strange my airways table was also empty and my host is a real server (so I do manage it totally) I did imported manually now with phpmyadmin , still strange why update.php did not imported it is any way that we can force update.php have a more verbose output ?
  17. fixes should follow the airway, I think doing this the chances of getting a duplicate fix name is pretty low to null
  18. I'm using vroute pro with navigraph cycle: 1001 to generate our routes
  19. New maps are awesome , but on some flights show some erroneus data (since exists multiple fixes with the same name across the globe) like this example http://www.kafly.net/index.php/pireps/viewreport/58 http://www.kafly.net/index.php/pireps/viewreport/57 this one looks GREAT http://www.kafly.net/index.php/pireps/viewreport/56 Do you think is possible that the route be generated only close to the actual start and end points after we fully migrate our VA to phpvms, vacentral should have a extra 80 to 120 pireps day Thanks for this amazing platform
  20. Roger I did test at the live site (after carefully check all the changes on trac), working perfect now but could have a better error message for non pirep errors Thanks and awesome work
  21. Same errors on the admin section. Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /usr/local/www/dev.kafly.net/core/common/PIREPData.class.php on line 104 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /usr/local/www/dev.kafly.net/admin/templates/finance_summarysheet.tpl on line 43 Open Flash Chart JSON Parse Error [syntax Error] Error at character 0, line 1: 0: <br />
  22. Sorry to say , but bug 174 still apply to this new version http://dev.kafly.net/index.php/finances shows the problem
  23. Fabrice try have core_htmlhead.tpl from crystal to your va template this fixed our problems after the new maps changes route maps are displaying fine on our VA http://www.kafly.net/index.php/schedules/details/9 if you have any question just ping
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