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phpVMS Resources
Everything posted by liberie
Login is the same as the website website version is .902 , but I don't see any major change on the login system
I found a error when try to login , gives me a 417 Expectation Failed , my pilotID uses offset on localconfig
if you want keep it simple MIT License sounds good http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php if you want a more detailed GNU General Public License v2 http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php but other questions also apply for which license fits best for your project (I did sent you a PM to help on this but did not get any reply)
Well enabling the mysql_slow_query timed at 1sec the slow query I have is use kaflynet; SET timestamp=1268811003; SELECT a.*, a.name AS aircraft, COUNT(p.pirepid) AS routesflown, SUM(p.distance) AS distance, SEC_TO_TIME(SUM(p.flighttime*60*60)) AS totaltime, AVG(p.distance) AS averagedistance, AVG(p.flighttime) as averagetime FROM phpvms_aircraft a LEFT OUTER JOIN phpvms_pireps p ON (p.aircraft = a.id) GROUP BY a.registration; looking at the website this query is not phpVMS , but the addon Fleet table , I will keep monitoring and see if any other show up also I will see If I can speed increase this query Thank you
Corrected and working good so far I hope this reduce the amount of Joins performed without indexes on my mysql server on 24 hours i got 12294 of them , I will try to check which joins are generating this bottleneck and inform but this is a really p4 bug (nice to have fixed someday , but not essential right now)
Nabeel, found a problem when a pirep is accept the following warning is given Warning: file_exists() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in /usr/local/www/www.kafly.net/core/classes/CodonCache.class.php on line 236 Warning: file_exists() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in /usr/local/www/www.kafly.net/core/classes/CodonCache.class.php on line 236 Warning: file_exists() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in /usr/local/www/www.kafly.net/core/classes/CodonCache.class.php on line 236
Just a reminder if you people doesn't want to have some warnings about timezone issue edit /etc/php5/cli/php.ini date.timezone = "yourtimezone" or will have lots of warning logged on each cron run
update.php phpVMS Updater Starting the update... Update completed! checkinstall.php phpVMS Virtual Airline Administration Software Install Check Checking PHP version [OK] PHP version is 5.3.x Checking connectivity... [OK] Can contact outside servers Checking for SimpleXML module... [OK] SimpleXML module exists! Checking file hashes for corrupt or mismatched files [Error] /lib/js/jquery.form.js doesn't exist -- Checked 168 files, found 1 errors / copied the new layout.tpl and Running fine so far
I really don't recommend auto-accept pireps, just to give examples I do see some times weird Pirep fuel consumption (like in bilions) because pilot was using a 'tweaked' plane , or hours going negative because pilot take off during the night for a 1 hour flight but changed fsim hour to land at daytime (or vice versa) if all pireps comes 100% OK, auto-accept could be a big help, but on reality it's not like planned you will never archive 100% good reports and explain to pilots why their hours went backwards or why your finances show 100M down on a single PIREP , will give you a lot more headache than accepting pireps manually what we are planning on our VA is assign Hub Managers , and have this managers accept(be responsible) pireps on their assigned hubs ( e use the first digit of our schedule number to define hub)
I did contacted them on Jan when we did the planning for migrate to phpVMS , since them I had no response , and even with VA discount the price still above US$30.00 per copy we should get together all VA Admins that are planning a ACARS system (like I do see at least 4 persons on the forum talking about) and discuss something Opensource to phpVMS like phpVMS is(could be great for VAcentral), get everyone involved and work like a team on it.
For personal use I do agree with you , but our pilots doesn't want to spend the money FSFK ask for it some pilots does use (like I do) , but is way more than a ACARS system just on our test server for phpVMS we already have 250 Pilots , the costs of having all using FSFK is somehow prohibitive (after all users migrate this number will go close to 600)
Hi Mitchell I also agree with Lorathon, about using the PC hour instead of fsim hour our va already moved ~30-40% of our pilots to phpVMS (>30 pireps day now) , and I started to see problems at least every two days or less where pilots had the hour messed up on fsacars due to some addon changing the our on fsim this is also one of the main reasons to we start investigating creation of one working ACARS system to phpVMS. About the FSUIPC , you can either get local hour, minute, sec using this offsets (0238 , 0239 , 023A) or get the Zulu hour and minute using the offset 023B and 023C
Kafly Airlines www.kafly.net www.kafly.com.br
Hello Brian , Thank you for all the efforts to make this happen , I do have a question for you do you plan to release this ACARS system as Opensource like phpVMS so we could also give some help on developing future versions ? Again Thank you
We do have around 100 flights a day using VAFS (vafinancials) , right now we are on a process of migration to PHPVMS system so not all our pilots are flying with the new system yet, so this is just less than 1/2 of our normal flights per day. as I told you on a private message we have around 58k pireps on VAFS but we do not plan migrate all to phpvms, but instead just transfer the hours and rank for our pilots and start a clean system from scratch (we already have a nice gdocs spreadsheet to control our aircrafts and routes to make sure same aircraft doesn't fly two routes at once) Kafly is the largest VA in Brasil per flights a day
Kafly http://dev.vacentral.net/airline/kfy_kaflyairlines Airline page shows the flights (with same delay as before) my only concern is that even with more flights yesterday we still got "Yesterday's Score: 2350 (-12)" so our pirerps are not being calculated properly (we had 40 flights yesterday, and a lower score than airlines with just 8 flights)
Hello Nabeel Since this morning we can't update any pirep to VACentral at Admin dashboard shows "You have 32 PIREPS waiting for export to vaCentral. Click here to send them" but when is clicked gives "FAILED exporting PIREP #795 - No response from API server" (all pireps same error) strange since I had no updates this weekend at our server (except latest phpvms) , I already checked Curl php and is working fine so far do you know if some other VA is having the same problem ?
at our VA we have a FSD server running for about 1,5 year , so far is working great the only problem is admin the cert.txt file when things get too big and you need too many persons having write access to this file , but if anyone needs help with FSD or want to link the fsd servers with ours please let me know http://atc.kafly.net show the status of our server.
Nabeel even with recaptcha (which is a nice product) always have the 'evil' people which wants to make bad things and can pass one afternoon at some lanhouse creating fake accounts, do you think will be too much work to change the system to use a temporary table until is approved and only give the pilot id when is approved/committed to the pilots table ?
hum that doesn't work so well example, if 3 pilots register and you denied the first 2 the third pilot still have the ID3 and the fourth will have ID4 etc... 1 and 2 will be lost forever
Nabeel Thanks for the code for phpbb3 , after the change on phpvms forum system , I'm thinking about changing our forum from phpbb to ip.board too , do you have the same integration code but for ip.board ? Thanks
is php-curl working properly at your host ? which http server is used there ? I had a similar issue with debian/lighttpd http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=2114.0
this acarsmap fix, also fixed the map on android 2.1 browser is working great on nexus Thanks a lot for this, now I can keep a eye on our pilots on my comute to work without be checking direct to mysql using connectbot
After our last update , looks like php5-curl was not working properly we use lighttpd + php5 and one config had to be changed to fix curl and php5 the variable "max-procs" which before was set to 2 and was working fine had to be changed to 4 (3 works fine too) /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/10-fastcgi.conf somehow php 5.2.12 on debian doesn't like only 2 as max-procs this was not a phpvms problem Thanks Nabeel to help with the script to check