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Angel Air

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Everything posted by Angel Air

  1. Hi, one of my pilots is saying that when he starts kACARS and sets up his flight and is at an airport which has add-on scenery kACARS tells him that his aircraft is not on the ground? is there a fix for this or is it a problem on his machine? Thanks Scott
  2. Angel Air

    VAForum 2

    Hi Ray, Sorry to be a pain I meant to add a Image like a jpeg or png file to a post. But I will use the button in the Forums anyway. Scott
  3. Angel Air

    VAForum 2

    Thankyou Everyday is a school day. Just another thought not sure how much coding it will take but is it possible to add a button or something to add a picture to a post in the forum. Scott
  4. Angel Air

    VAForum 2

    That is great thanks very much comparing the 2 bits of code it looks like the only difference is where the <?PHP tag starts and the extra bit of code New Code:- <?php if(Auth::LoggedIn()){?> <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0" width="100%"><thead><th>Topic</th><th>Updated</th><th>Posted by</th></thead><tbody> <? $topics = ForumData::get_new_topics(5); Old Code:- <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0" width="100%"><thead><th>Topic</th><th>Updated</th><th>Posted by</th></thead><tbody> <?php $topics = ForumData::get_new_topics(5); Anyway thanks for the help. Scott
  5. I think I would like the whole thing because I would like the animated mail box and the sound would be good and the custom menu would be good as a standalone application for the AIRmail system on the site. really I just want it to notify the pilot that they have mail when the log in to the pilot centre and on any other pages they may visit. Thanks Scott
  6. Angel Air

    VAForum 2

    Thanks Ray, I was also wondering if it is possible to make it so that what is seen in the frontpage i.e with the latest forum posts. So that only registered users can see the recent posts in other words they have to be logged in to click the links and read the posts. sorry for asking so many questions/requests but I am slowly trying to learn php and finding it more than a little difficult. I should add that I have tried putting this code in but did not work. <?php } else { // Show these items only if they are logged in ?> Thanks again Scott
  7. Angel Air

    VAForum 2

    You rock!! Thankyou so much I think I might have a go at skinning it to match the frontpage but that is exactly what I wanted. And I could not agree more with what TAV1702 said it is a great contribution to the phpvms install. Just another thought not sure how much coding it will take but is it possible to add a button or something to add a picture to a post in the forum. Thanks again Scott
  8. Thanks Ray, I appreciate your time and trouble. I wish I knew how to code then I would give it a go myself Scott
  9. Angel Air

    VAForum 2

    Hi, Is it possible to show the latest forum posts and who posted it on the frontpage? Thanks in advance Scott
  10. Hi, Another question that may have been answered, Is it possible to show the latest forum posts and who posted it on the frontpage? Thanks in advance Scott
  11. Thanks Ray I am using a template called detachable. I hope it will work on that template. It should work as all the other simpilot addons work without fail. Scott
  12. Thanks will give it a look
  13. Hi all looking at upgrading my VAForums to ipboard just wondered if anyone has intergrated it with phpvms so that when the pilot logs into the website they log into the forum aswell. thanks Scott
  14. Angel Air VA - www.angelairva.co.uk
  15. let me start by saying I love all of the simpilot add-on's they are a great addition to any VA site. I have been reading the posts on the Airmail add-on and I would like to add the image of a mailbox to the pilot profile and the other changes made by TAV but I can not find any of the files to download to make these changes. If anyone has the required files would it be possible to upload them so I can download them. Thanks in advance Scott
  16. great add on +1 point to simpilot. Thanks
  17. So after some help from the good people on here and google and a few other forums here is a repaint I am quite proud of. with weathering effects and logos. Check it out tell me what you think. Angel Air VA repaint Scott
  18. excuse my stupidity but what is misaligned?
  19. Ok so just to prove it is solved here is another repain I have been working on and the results speak for them self. Take a look. VA repaint Scott
  20. yes i am using DXTBMP to convert the file I will give it a try and see what happens. Thanks you rock
  21. I am watching this topic with baited breathe. By the way here is a link to a site which i found useful simmers paint shop look under tutorials which give you different types of paint programs to use so just pick the one that you are happiest using then watch and learn. Scott
  22. If anyone has any idea how to resolve this problem it would be really appreciated. Scott
  23. Hi james, The dirt effect was already on the blank repaint kit which I just left in place and painted underneath it. But the fuselarge was and still is bright white. and when you load the aircraft in flight sim all the textures look very flat and quite blurry. hence the reason for asking about photoreal repaints. If I could get the repaint as good as a standard repaint I would be happy. Scott
  24. Hi Tom, I will look forward to the update. Scott
  25. That is the problem I have with my livemap and I have ASP tags on because VAForum requires them to be on... So that being said is there a work around for that problem because I would like to keep the forums aswell as the livemap.? Thanks Scott
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