# Send an email to the pilot who submitted that PIREP
$pilotfirstname = $pilotinfo->firstname;
$pilotlastname= $pilotinfo->lastname;
$email = $pilotinfo->email;
//PIREP INFO (This all goes into the email, we will need to add those into the TPL)
$code = $pirepdata['code'];
$flightnum = $pirepdata['flightnum'];
$depicao = $pirepdata['depicao'];
$arricao = $pirepdata['arricao'];
$aircraft = $pirepdata['aircraft'];
$flighttime = $pirepdata['flighttime'];
$landingrate = $pirepdata['landingrate'];
$source = $pirepdata['source'];
$comment = $comment;
Template::Set('pilotfirstname', $pilotfirstname);
Template::Set('pilotlastname', $pilotlastname);
Template::Set('code', $code);
Template::Set('flightnum', $flightnum);
Template::Set('depicao', $depicao);
Template::Set('arricao', $arricao);
Template::Set('aircraft', $aircraft);
Template::Set('flighttime', $flighttime);
Template::Set('landingrate', $landingrate);
Template::Set('source', $source);
Template::Set('comment', $comment);
$sub = 'PIREP Report - '.$code.''.$flightnum;
$message = Template::Get('email_pirep_info.tpl', true);
Util::SendEmail($email, $sub, $message);
Okay. Change the code in PIREPData.class.php to the one above. It's tested and working.