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Everything posted by Parkho

  1. Example, I do a flight send the PIREP with KACARS then I get only the hours in profile. Now I want the points too, so i have to send the same PIREP with FSPAX so that i can get the points into my profile and together with the flight hours, I'll go to the next Rank. Is that what you mean? if yes then that's a little bit hard for me.
  2. I believe so, just needs a little piece of code to pull that out. I think the code has to go through the PIREPS and finds the PIREP's source and from there count them accordingly. It's doable. One thing to be noted is that the pointing system is not working with KACARS, so if you want your rankings based on points and hours then that's gonna be a trouble for you.
  3. Well! I'm all ready to set you up just give me a buzz if you decided to use FSPAX. Also, I can send you some pix of the pilot profile on both public and private to give you an idea how it looks.
  4. I don't have any problems with that part! Have you tried yours lately? and if yes could you explain how.
  5. Check you folder and file permission on you server, looks like you have some reading issues on modifying folders and files.
  6. Hi All Anybody interested in the topic, let me know and I'll set you up. Of course you're gonna have to use the FSPAX PIREP sending method. Cheers.
  7. lol! I just registered at your VA with M. Mousavi! to test it, could you please kindly remove that from your pilot DB? Oh! Glad your problem was solved thank to Joeri.
  8. make sure the tables were created properly in your db. Check the db to see if you have any registered pilot such as yourself in pilots table.
  9. Okay! First you need to tell us what you have been editing.
  10. The landing rates go to PIREPS table in the DB. The only thing I can think of for you is to go there and delete the PIREPS you don't want or you can edit the rows for landing rate column and clear the content. This way you still have your PIREP there but without the landing rate. If you're looking for a code to do that for you automatically, then you're gonna have to search the forum or ask someone to write the code for you.
  11. The path is : core/templates/profile_main.tpl (edit with notepad) and the code you need to delete on line 67 is this: <li><a href="<?php echo url('/finances');?>">View VA Finances</a></li>
  12. Okay! You need to get IVAO ID from the field you're adding like this http://status.ivao.aero/R/<?php echo $userinfo->field; ?>.png
  13. First, you have to get the code for that image from IVAO website. Secondly, after you got the code, you need to decide whether to put it on the front page or on the side bar and paste the code there.
  14. Okay! Here is what I designed for the .tpl. BTW I'm using FSPAX as my PIREP, so if you guys ever wanted to switch to FSPAX pirep system, let me know and I can give you the required files. We also have the FSPAX pilot pointing system at our airline which I can share as well.
  15. Yes it;s working. But how can I get it to show aircraft name instead of aircraft ID?
  16. # Send an email to the pilot who submitted that PIREP //PILOT INFO $pilotfirstname = $pilotinfo->firstname; $pilotlastname= $pilotinfo->lastname; $email = $pilotinfo->email; //PIREP INFO (This all goes into the email, we will need to add those into the TPL) $code = $pirepdata['code']; $flightnum = $pirepdata['flightnum']; $depicao = $pirepdata['depicao']; $arricao = $pirepdata['arricao']; $aircraft = $pirepdata['aircraft']; $flighttime = $pirepdata['flighttime']; $landingrate = $pirepdata['landingrate']; $source = $pirepdata['source']; $comment = $comment; Template::Set('pilotfirstname', $pilotfirstname); Template::Set('pilotlastname', $pilotlastname); Template::Set('code', $code); Template::Set('flightnum', $flightnum); Template::Set('depicao', $depicao); Template::Set('arricao', $arricao); Template::Set('aircraft', $aircraft); Template::Set('flighttime', $flighttime); Template::Set('landingrate', $landingrate); Template::Set('source', $source); Template::Set('comment', $comment); $sub = 'PIREP Report - '.$code.''.$flightnum; $message = Template::Get('email_pirep_info.tpl', true); Util::SendEmail($email, $sub, $message); Okay. Change the code in PIREPData.class.php to the one above. It's tested and working.
  17. Okay! I think we're missing something here. The Template::set(...) ?!
  18. Okay! the email was sent but it's just showing the tags not the data.
  19. Thanks a lot man. You've done too much I'll give it shot.
  20. Nope! Still in one line in the email. Maybe I could use a textarea command?
  21. It's working just fine. But is it possible to give the info in every line in the email rather than in 1 line?
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