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  1. tdohrer


    Sweet sounds good. thanks for the heads up.
  2. tdohrer


    Hello, Hope you are doing well. I am trying to change my valid domain for the acars but it wont let me. I sent in a ticket a couple days ago. Is there a way for me to do it? The box is greyed out and wont let me click. Regards, Tyson
  3. Hello, Looking for a website developer for my VA. Do need a main page with info, but the main focus would be the pilot center etc. Feel free to PM if interested. Regards, Tyson
  4. Ok so i fixed that issue, i am now trying to get some fonts back to normal or spruce them up a lttile bit and not quite sure what to do. Here is the text, i took a snippet and put it in the zip folder since that is all it would let me upload. Capture.zip
  5. Hello, I am having issue with my main page slider, it is not loading. The loading emblem just sits there and thinks. I havent touched any the files in awhile. I was thinking of switching it to the windytv that i have seen on some other sites. Would anyone mind walking me through how to do this? <div id="masterslider" class="master-slider ms-skin-default mb-0"> <!-- first slide --> <div class="ms-slide"> <!-- slide background --> <img src="https://s10.postimg.org/h9ts8kc61/15873229046_7394231973_o.png" data-src="https://s10.postimg.org/h9ts8kc61/15873229046_7394231973_o.png" alt="Strongest distribution network"/> <h2 class="ms-layer pi-caption01" style="left: 0; top: 340px;" data-type="text" data-effect="left(short)" data-duration="300" data-hide-effect="fade" data-delay="300" > Welcome to </h2> <h2 class="ms-layer pi-caption01" style="left: 0; top: 400px;" data-type="text" data-effect="left(short)" data-duration="300" data-hide-effect="fade" data-delay="600" > Aloft Virtual </h2> <h2 class="ms-layer pi-caption01" style="left: 0; top: 460px;" data-type="text" data-effect="left(short)" data-duration="300" data-hide-effect="fade" data-delay="900" > Alliance </h2> </div><!-- .ms-slide end --> <!-- slide 02 start --> </div><!-- #masterslider end --> <div class="page-content parallax parallax01 mb-70"> <div class="container">
  6. I included them in and still getting no route passed. fire bug says the same errors though. I put them in the head tags on the layout php. Any other ideas?
  7. Where would i put this? Layout php?
  8. I am now having the route not passed issue, i recently updated to phpvms ver 5.5x. and here are my error codes i got from firebug. I am a little confused on where to go from here.
  9. solved thanks for all the help
  10. solved thanks for all of the help
  11. solved thanks for all the help
  12. So i found out i have a subdomain set up. I had my website up which was done by some one else. Then some things went wrong so i am trying to piece this back together. It was the subdomain that was causing the issue, it wasnt connected to the folder.
  13. do i just delete the www blah blah or this entire thing? define('SITE_URL', 'http://www.crew.aloftvirtualalliance.com');
  14. I didn't set it, it did it by itself, if i remember correctly. That would be because of the layout.php on my mainsite? i have the skin as the crystal so shouldnt my skin and all of its files not be messing with that? I have my old local.config file from my previous version of phpvms. Do you think that might help?
  15. I have it as www.crew.aloftvirtualalliance.com, so i needs to be www.crew.aloftvirtualalliance.com/index.php/profile?
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