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Everything posted by freshJet

  1. Perhaps we could see a bigger image and some code? Very difficult to understand what you mean...
  2. What's also useful is if you have a malware scanner on cPanel. I used it and it detected the harmful files.
  3. Well, if you have any files that you need that were edited after that date then that was a bit silly. Anyway, why Sept 10th? All of mine were later on, find out when your site was compromised, not when everyone else's was.
  4. He said it's 936
  5. That's not them, that's your charts not working because you deleted/renamed the folder...
  6. Is it worth notifying hosts?
  7. On your site? I'm trying to change my password and block these IPs but I'm getting errors about my .htaccess, which I can't find. It says it exists however when I try to create it.
  8. If of any use, I traced these IP addresses: - traced to Jacksonville, USA - traced to Semarang, Indonesia Both were responsible for the creation of the files in tmp-upload-images. Also found indo.php in public_html.
  9. I found a file called z.txt in my public_html. Inside was this: - Indonesian Cyber Army - __ _ / \ ___ (_) ___ | () | |_ / | | / -_) _\__/ _/__| _|_|_ \___| _|"""""|_|"""""|_|"""""|_|"""""| "`-0-0-'"`-0-0-'"`-0-0-'"`-0-0-'
  10. Where in that did I say that people will be put off? They won't be put off because they won't know, but we on this forum know. And yet again, it's not about phpVMS working. It's about the VA working. I don't give a s*** if it works or not, if you're not paying to run your VA then where else are you going to be slacking? This is from experience by the way, I began with a free host and domain. You learn from your mistakes. Although it seems that isn't the case for a few on this forum. And by CEOs not flying for their VA I assume you mean you're bringing up the argument about whether or not they need to. Their choice. If they want to then great, if they don't, why is it your problem? Besides, it's funny you should say that, I vaguely remember flying under my callsign just the other day...
  11. It's not just that, it says a lot about how much effort you are going to put into your VA if you can't even pay for hosting. It's beyond a joke. The VA industry is a joke now thanks to all these crappy airlines that will close within two weeks.
  12. Step by step? Sure. 1. Buy hosting That's it.
  13. I mean literally by default. It should give an error for retired pilots when they login. Check the code in the login_form.tpl.
  14. Pretty sure this a feature by default
  15. No, the header.tpl and footer.tpl are for older versions of phpVMS that don't use layout.tpl. There is no nav.tpl, unless you are referring to core_navigation.tpl. In that case no. The templates you downloaded will have their navbars in the index.html, so it will become part of the layout.tpl.
  16. I've seen this discussed elsewhere but wondered what our phpVMS developers' preferences are. Personally I use dashes, but I use underscores in image filenames. For those confused, by element name I mean: #main {} So, for example, do you use: #main-div {} or #main_div {} ?
  17. Looks good but the blue headers overhang the content box by one pixel or so. Sorry, I'm picky
  18. You're copying code from another site. That's what you're doing wrong. Shame, because it looks promising. Oh, and you state you fly the A320neo. The A320neo is not in service yet. You fly the A320 with sharklets. It's not the same.
  19. Because after countless examples, you lose the patience. I know what it's like, I started as a free host with my first VA and learned from my mistakes. I was also brought into the VA world with harsh comments as well, what I said is far from hostile.
  20. So why are you starting a VA then?
  21. Don't do it in the first place. You'll probably have to start from scratch. kACARS has issues with free hosts, as does phpVMS itself. Just don't use free hosts.
  22. Not having an entrance exam is not a way to ensure realism IMO
  23. Do you have a portfolio or previous work to provide?
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