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Everything posted by Sava

  1. Something similar to this is what I was looking to develop for a long time now but just can't get the time. What might be a better option to do, is the following: Totally disregard phpVMS's fleet alocation and disregard what has been put into the schedules. Do it like this: A pilot is initially put at the hub and all aircraft are at the hub. The pilot then sees all the schedules from the current location (hub the first time) and can bid on any of those flights. Let's say I am at LYBE. I then chose to fly from LYBE to LOWW. After I click on Book/Add to Bid or something like that, i still didn't place the booking but I am taken to an another page that shows a list of all aircraft available at my location. I get something like: Select aicraft for flight LYBE-LOWW: B737-700 (YU-AAA) B737-700 (YU-AAB) B767-300 (YU-AAC) etc. So you get a list of all aircraft there. Not just by type but also by registration etc. Then you choose the aircraft and the flight is then booked. The aircraft now does not appear on the list for other pilots. I land in LOWW and I am then placed there as well as the aircraft I have chosen. I then choose the flight back to LYBE and choose the A/C for the trip (only one avail. if someone else hasn't also flown in the meantime to LOWW). Only once I land back the A/C becomes available to other pilots. This is close to what you already done so it might be good if you can do it like this. The one thing I am worried about is the option in kACARS where you can manually change the aircraft your are flying. We would have to modify the sent data so it sends only the booked aircraft not allowing for changing the data. It is a lot of stuff to do but I could help as time permitts. if you need any clarification, please say, as I am in a hurry to leave and wanted to post now. so it might be a bit unclear. Thanks Par Kho!
  2. Also, next time, the answer is in the error itself pretty much always. Permission denied is pretty much self explanatory
  3. It does actually. You can't be a web designer without knowledge of HTML and CSS at least.
  4. If you are a web designer, it should be no issue. Download and install phpVMS, read through the docs and you should be up and running. From there is it just HTML and CSS and a few lines of PHP to ingrate some phpVMS' features.
  5. Glad it worked out.
  6. I am not sure if I understand you. You can specify the leave length in the core/modules/LoA/LoA.php file
  7. Are you sure that you have used the sql file to create the db structure needed?
  8. I wouldn't ask as I know they have permission. Anyway, your comparison is not really applicable. In my opinion, what kind of feedback can we make without a site? Pretty much nothing except permissions.bthat was my feedback. You are creating a VA. Not us. It is your call on which you are gonna make. Edit: was writing at the same time as edmundk and we wrote pretty much the same thing.
  9. SouthwestVA, saying something like that is really not nice I must be honest. No one is forcing you to buy this. You said you can make it yourself, then do it. If you don't like something keep it to yourself and don't insult someone's hard work. I didn't see you complain getting all the free modules from here.
  10. Is there a way to automatically mark the pilot as on Leave when he/she submit a LoA form? - Nope, the way I have coded is that all the requests go to the admin panel for approval. then exclude the pilots marked as on Leave from the automatic retire function? -Nope, that would require changing of core files etc. I don't have much time these days to do any coding, but if I have time in the future, I will look into this.
  11. The template still needs a lot of work imho.
  12. Version 3.0 is currently in development, and it is not a stable, but rather a beta version. You can get it on GitHub but it is not recommended to use it on a live site. EDIT: Fixed some grammar.
  13. You are welcome! I hope you will enjoy the addon!
  14. Just as a tip. This is a forum for people who are already owners of virtual airlines themselves so you probably won't find anyone interested here. Also, .co.cc has been blocked from Google for some time now, I suggest getting a proper domain.
  15. I am really not sure on what is causing the error. If anyone else can help, please do.
  16. Hey. I am not really sure what is causing the error as I haven't experienced this during my testing and it is the first time being reported. The lines that are being reported are: { $sql = "DELETE FROM loa WHERE pilotid='$id'"; $query = mysql_query($sql); return mysql_affected_rows(); } There isn't much to it. It is a simple query to delete the request for that pilot (pilot id). Can you make sure that everything imported to the DB successfully. Go to phpmyadmin and manually delete everything from the loa table and than submit a new request from the front end and see if you can delete it then.
  17. As I said, that shouldn't matter and that type of error (line 248) is associated with .tpl files not being installed correctly. (Read here: http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/3513-about-simpilot/) I can't help much without direct access to the files etc. but it is an issue on your side, as it is working well on many other VAs. Also, make sure that you have downloaded the latest version from the GitHub.
  18. That is not the problem. You haven't installed the templates correctly. Please make sure that you have the loa_index.tpl file inside core/templates/loa.
  19. it seems it has to do with you mysql not being setup correctly. it is late here, i will check in the morning but i believe it's something on your side.
  20. For more information, I was helping him install this on a local server. We used XAMPP (latest version) and the Apache and MySQL services are running. The actual writing to to database went fine but the errors popped up when you are supposed to enter the information about the VA and yourself. I guess it maybe has to do something with the server configuration but I am not sure. I couldn't help him so I guided him here Thanks for the help guys!
  21. edit, what I wrote is for default schedules.disregard
  22. Sava

    Any Addon Ideas?

    Can you explain in detail? What kind of regisgnation, what would the module do? Sorry for the late reply.
  23. Thanks
  24. Glad it worked out!
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