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Posts posted by Nabeel

  1. Hmm. Collection is a Laravel, but also a C# type, so it could mean that the API is returning something incorrect. It's when you've selected a subfleet to get the list of aircraft? Nothing's changed on the API side, though, well nothing directly.

    Can you PM me your site URL and the API key of the user you're using? Let me see if there's something weird coming out of the API

  2. 13 hours ago, asandor said:

    Getting a different error this time, same place though, hitting save when trying to enter a subfleet.

    [2018-03-21 01:16:19] dev.ERROR: Validation rule unique requires at least 1 parameters. {"userId":1,"email":"asandor@ke6ihx.com","exception":"[object] (InvalidArgumentException(code: 0): Validation rule unique requires at least 1 parameters. at /var/www/phpvms/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Validation/Concerns/ValidatesAttributes.php:1539)



    D'oh! Fixed

  3. 4 hours ago, asandor said:

    Remove my phpvms directory, reinstalled from scratch, I get the following error when I try to add a subfleet.

    [2018-03-20 19:43:43] dev.ERROR: Cannot access protected property App\Models\Subfleet::$rules {"userId":1,"email":"asandor@ke6ihx.com","exception":"[object] (Symfony\\Component\\Debug\\Exception\\FatalThrowableError(code: 0): Cannot access protected property App\\Models\\Subfleet::$rules at /var/www/phpvms/app/Http/Requests/CreateSubfleetRequest.php:27)

    Entire log file attached also


    Thanks, just fixed.

  4. You can use the flight fields for this. I just added a function to the flight to make it easier to display in a template.

    In the admin, go to the flight, under Custom Fields, you can add "Departure Flight", and a value.

    Then in the template, you can put:

    {{ $flight->field('Departure Gate') }}

    It's kind of a pain with a lot of flights, but the importer will have a way to be able to add the fields and values right in the CSV (https://github.com/nabeelio/phpvms/issues/194)

    I might add another table, like with PIREPs, that holds a "master" list of the flight fields and then it'll show them on the create/edit page as a main list, so you don't have to type "Departure Gate" over and over.

  5. 9 hours ago, Tato123 said:

    yes, i have the last versions but when i try to install the installation proces don't start if i click the button, but i return in the root of my web site

    That sounds like there's a problem with your htaccess. Does your host have htaccess support enabled, or is there a setting for you to enable it?

  6. 2 minutes ago, mark1million said:

    Quick update, I have the entrance exam by David, I have managed to fully remove ReCaptcha from the normal registration process and the entrance exam process.


    If your stuck and want to know how just post here, its easy enough with only a few edits.

    Probably be good to post it, or write something in the documentation area?

  7. 2 hours ago, magicflyer said:

    Hey guys, been a long time since I coded in PHP so I thought why not go back to where I started as a refresher. So, I'm looking to put together a phpVMS Module. Personally, I'm looking for something simple yet needed. But some other dev may be interested in picking up your idea.

    So, Post your module ideas for phpVMS.

    I'd love for this to be an open discussion by the community to see what they can improve about phpVMS as a whole.

    Are you looking to do this for the new/upcoming version?

  8. 47 minutes ago, spkier said:

    works fine here on my vps unfortunly i went back to phpvms 5.5.x due to no acar  so i cannot prove anything however i did see that if you don't ahve php7.1 witch is rugered by phpvms 7.2 it won't load properly but should work

    If you're on PHP 7.0 it will mostly work, but you might run into some issues.

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