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Everything posted by Nabeel

  1. Rev 656 - CSV import modified for days of week, registration captcha bugfix28 March 2009, 9:53 pmRev 656 - nabeel (4 file(s) modified)CSV import modified for days of week, registration captcha bugfix~ /trunk/admin/lib/template.csv~ /trunk/admin/modules/Import/Import.php~ /trunk/admin/templates/import_form.tpl~ /trunk/core/modules/Registration/Registration.phpSource: phpVMSDownload from http://downloads.phpvms.net
  2. Inside your select, if you look at the default you see this: <?php if(Auth::LoggedIn()) { ?> <option value="...">Log out</option> <?php } ?> Then there's code there which also checks for an admin group member
  3. Wherever your navigation is. Look at the default template to see how it's done in there, just in between your <ul> </ul> tags. That basically calls the pages_items.tpl, which you can adjust to how your navigation is (if you don't use the <ul> navigation style). I know that's a bit confusing, can't really re-do it now without breaking a whole bunch of installs.
  4. Do you guys have: <?php echo $MODULE_NAV_INC;?> Included in your core_navigation template?
  5. What version are you running? I had turned error suppression on. I will take a look again in a few minutes.
  6. You might have the wrong URL? http://www.airwestvirtual.com/ Nothing shows up there either
  7. I'll look at this in more detail tomorrow. If you add pages, do those links show up?
  8. I'm debugging with FSACARS, I'm not sure why it's flipping out all of a sudden
  9. Just keep a backup as it's overwritten on updates. I don't allow overriding on admin panel templates as they change pretty often
  10. Woops, the wrong help panel is showing, I'll take care of that, thanks!
  11. s*** that seems like an error on the API side, I think I had fixed that error though. I will check it. Is it still giving that error?
  12. Hm I can't duplicate this dude
  13. No longer available meaning what? They're not on the front page anymore, as in generated? Or when you click the link it's gone?
  14. downloads.phpvms.net, just checked them, they do have the install folder. Try it again
  15. How'd you lose your pages? That shouldn't have happened, hasn't happened with anyone else I've heard
  16. Did you do a reset after the latest beta (latest as of yesterday)
  17. The updating is the program itself, I'll check out the aircraft problem
  18. The latest update on http://www.phpvms.net/downloads/ is 661, I just checked the zip file it says 661. The main area is downloads.phpvms.net, the dates are listed there, and in the release.version file is the latest release version
  19. Did your files and everything update? When you open the install/update.php, what's the version it shows near the top? Or just zip and attach that install/update.php file
  20. Can you do the same as my post above and attach the log?
  21. yuppers, glad it worked
  22. You didn't close the php tag, above that </tr> put ?>
  23. Hey there, Did you click on the link to force it?
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