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    Italian Aviation Director

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. The lastone!
  2. Sorry for the double post! When i click on resend log files and i select the flight, after that i click read file, it say to me that no file has been selected and when i close this message the acars show me the flight, but without: Rout, Flight Time, Fuel Used and the Log Best Regards
  3. Yes correct a charter flight! Ok no problem! There is also a bug i think: after that i get the Flight if i open flight information it show to me all the info about the flight, but if i open it again after some minutes it doesn't show the information anymore! When i land in in the vertical Speed is writed Vertival Speed. When i go in the admin pannel to see the report it doesnt' show the fuel and the flight time!!! Hope to help to find bugs! Best Regards
  4. Is also possible to add maybe something where you can make a free flight setting the Departure Airport and the Arrival Airport the FL and all the info (route, comment etc.)?
  5. Hi to all, i'm the Director of Italian Aviation VA, we are looking for a repainter for the following aircraft, default and payware, for FSX and FS9: A320 Wilco B734 Default FS9 & FSX PIC B738 FSX Default, NGX & FS9 PMDG B747 FSX Default, FS9 Default, FSX PMDG & FS9 PMDG B763 FSX Level-D, FS9 Level-D CRJ7 FSX Default & FSX Wilco MD80 FSX Madddog Thank you very much to all!!! If you want to do it for us and you are able, you can contact us here: staff@italianaviation.com here is the website: http://www.italianaviation.com/ Best Regards Alessandro
  6. I use Firefox
  7. Sorry i have posted in the wrong post
  8. Hi i'm trying to change the image in the profile but it doesn't change!!! Can you help me? Now i have two image, but i want to change it!!!
  9. Yes it is an a GREAT IDEA, we also need it!!! i hope that someone can do something!!!
  10. Ok perfect thanks, i hope to see an optiosn like my request in the next relase of the Exam Center!!! Maybe it can be only an Exam Center, but also a Training Center...
  11. Mmmmm... how can we set it manually?
  12. Hi all, is possible to create or doing something by our own maybe modifying some code, to do that a pilot to have for example the last rating must do a praticl exam? So if he go over the hour of this rating he can have the same rating until he do the exam? We already have the Exam Center!
  13. Ok perfect thank you Nabeel!!!
  14. You mean the Exam Center? If yes we already have this!
  15. Hi all, is possible to create or doing something by our own maybe modifying some code, to do that a pilot to have for example the last rating must do a praticl exam? So if he go over the hour of this rating he can have the same rating until he do the exam? Thank for the help
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