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Everything posted by joeri

  1. great to hear you don't like my support or from the others. yet again one less i need to help
  2. in your local config set autoranks to false
  3. i want to register to see if i can dupe it
  4. awnserd
  5. yes thats possible can you provide an url so i ca&n peak at your site
  6. link to the site?
  7. are you going to use phpvms then all is in there iff not visit the above site with those questions
  8. fSacars isnt suported annymore try kacars
  9. just looked at your site its in place
  10. the way you are asking it i don't think lots of folks want to help you we encourage people to try things themselfs. no on your question if you have simpilots popup news it works like that
  11. ok nice that you have permission its in your skins folder the layout.tpl regards
  12. also there is an error in the va stats comment that out. and now the bigg question do you have permission from easy
  13. fresh install en then copie off the database and stuff
  14. i would reupload the hearder file
  15. this is not a post where you all can point on what server you go and fly closing this now
  16. that won't go away in 1 day i had it with a subdomain off myself i eventualy shut it down as the problem presisted.
  17. and his website is gone marked as a harmfull website
  18. could you copypast the log and the screen off your landingrate maby so we can also see it
  19. you are the person to ask that you yourself open lots off them without permission
  20. thats is strange i just done what you explained and i could go every where and back just with the brouwser back button
  21. just to make sure they say they hace a landingrate off 20-150 where do they get that let them take a screenshot to make sure. i never had annyè problems with the landingrate as its a fix output from fs and i used mayy tracking devices. gr joeri
  22. yeah Dave its sad to see. iff all VA's without the "powerd by" would pay nabeel would not develop annymore he would be lying on a sunny beach
  23. iff you would have done a searcj ion the forum you would have seen this. expect that phpvms will come up with errors when using free hosting
  24. your post is only 6 hours online so wait a bid also stop using this large fonts and no shouting next one will be deleted
  25. what version are you one. and run the checkinstall see what comes up
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