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Everything posted by joeri

  1. hello all but mainly our php guru's you all know the autoretire part off phpvms you set a date (30 days and the pilot goes retired iff he makes no flight befor that date. now my question is is it possible to expand this part to something with an els/if statemend ex: pilot registers needs to make first flight within 14day of registration. iff not retire but for the active pilots it needs to be 30 days hope you all are getting me gr joeri
  2. indeed Jeff just tried to acces you server same problem here
  3. are your flights done as schedulle or just filled like random flights because random flights everything is empty exept the actual flighttime
  4. sadly we don't speak norwegian or finish or danish :-)
  5. joeri

    Register error

    no error just registerd
  6. lol i would suggest to even don't show that what will you do after this and adding a 0 in the back just means fo all the pilots just need to make 6.6 hours. sorry today i feel in a dab mood you should have goals something like having a fun and open comunity where old and young can have fun.
  7. just looked at your about us page vind your goals a bid strange you want 100 pilots over 300 flights and 200hours so when all your 100 pilots make 3 flights of 0.66666.... hours then you are on your 200 hours what will you do after that close the va?
  8. change the www.yoursite.com to your website url
  9. it seems your database cant do this SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE, ALTER, you will need to run the tables manualy
  10. another quick question are you on free or payed hosting?
  11. normally iff you have the correct settings in your installer it schould all go well and you say the tables aren't setting how do you mean can't the installer connect to your database? maby a screenhost would help us
  12. look in your local.config.php change the autocalculate ranks to false gr
  13. try this link you need to acces the installer direct from ur url http://www.virtualmidwayairlines.com/phpvms/install/install.php
  14. could you post the url so we can look at it gr
  15. only us airports or also the whole world
  16. everything seems to work fine i only have 1 thing for vacentral could you look time all the pireps are comming true with stating flight has done 4 hoursand 1 min agao en not on the correct time like 1 minute ago
  17. great you got it solved yet again a happy customer for PHPVMS
  18. great hope we get the live feul back up again :-)
  19. just reupload the files again and it schould work then
  20. no need for shouting iff that is the only file you have then its the correct one. 99% sure its the free hosting u use
  21. so we need to see what files you would be missing on a picture that only showe a small part. and belive me the problem will be lying on the free hosting
  22. get paid hosting may i suggest fivedev its build for phpvms
  23. same on this immage also not working. and no need to flagg mark hist post as he is correct running a va on a free host =problems with all the features off PHPVMS
  24. english plz
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