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Everything posted by joeri

  1. ah roger don't cry he will fix it
  2. all 4 in the dev site and at all it sayed bid added looked in the flight bid non showing
  3. bids not working if a do a bid in the schedule it isn't showing up in my flight bids. bug confirmd on the dev site gr joeri
  4. same problems here active flights are shown on the pilot side alsow airmail module isn't working anymore
  5. bug is fixed ;D now on to looking for the next bug ;D
  6. if you look in the admin ,site and settings the first line what version 1.2.7... gr joeri
  7. altered to say something like this Dear ......, Your registration for TNT Virtual was accepted! Please visit us at TNT Virtual to login and complete your registration Here is also a small manual to get you started. 1. You need to download xacars or fsacars you can find these under downloads. 2. Download xacars/fsacars.ini file put it in the root of xacars/fsacars. 3. Register at our forum for further help if needed. 4. Do a schedule search and if you find one you want to fly add to bid remember number. 5. Start to fly write number in the flight nr. 6. After your flight send pirep That’s all Thanks! TNT Virtual Staff hope that it helps for new pilots ;D
  8. ok thanks now i can write a small manual to let them now the initial stuff
  9. hello nabeel where can i find the template that is send in the email to new registrations. i want to alter this. gr joeri
  10. joeri


    i want to wish you luck in the o so sad war. :'(
  11. you have to change it in your local.config.php there is this line Config::Set('TRANSFER_HOURS_IN_RANKS', true); change the false by true
  12. don't seeing anything change in the admin. correction done the update manual and now it is showing. gr joeri
  13. local. config # ACARS options # Minutes, flights to show on the ACARS # Default is 720 minutes (12 hours) Config::Set('ACARS_LIVE_TIME', 120); Config::Set('ACARS_DEBUG', true); good or wrong gr joeri
  14. ? think minutes 120 need to take a look
  15. don't change pilot id's it messes everyting up
  16. pirep sending is working again flights disapering of the acars map nogo
  17. we hope so i will let you know when flight ends
  18. start testing now ;D ;D ;D.
  19. nice to see that someone used virtual airlines communatie for people to learn in school keep up the good work
  20. joeri


    1.the problem is that it not possible to send pirep with xacars not on my site or on the dev site. 2+3 same as above. 4. i send a manual pirep the finance are there but nothing happens on the finance part of the site.
  21. don the update don't know i you have changed anything with ftp but now i can see myself again on the website.but pirepsending still not working same on the dev site. i will attach a screen so you can see it. gr joeri
  22. hello nabeel i am still not showing up on my map i come on the central map but not on my own if i go looking in phpmyadmin and take a look in the acars database othing is schowing its empty.
  23. hello nabeel if i send the pireps i gat this i know is ok as you told me but touht you schould know SuccessPIREP successfully addedFAILED exporting PIREP #1 - No response from API server. the number changes for all the pireps 1,2,3,4,.......
  24. just don the beta update and wanted to send in pireps i got the folowing error. SuccessPIREPS successfully updatedThere was an error, server said ""
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