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Everything posted by joeri

  1. i will do the testing later in the evening
  2. don that 10 times but after i do a complete new install on the server including renewing database and i put this code in the localconfig file i get the database error and after this is an other pilot sends a pirep on the site only the pirep i send in with the error shows up so if i fly from ebbr-eham and i get the error after this if a pilot sends a pirep from lfpg to eblg in the pireps of the admin i get the exact same as i send in thus ebbr-eham.and this is only after i put this in the local file. Config::Set('PHPVMS_CENTRAL_ENABLED', true); Config::Set('PHPVMS_API_SERVER', 'http://api.phpvms.net'); Config::Set('PHPVMS_API_KEY', 'c5a0161e1c5cd96ef36bf276f770f7a3'); i tested it today everyting ok until i putted in this code gr joeri
  3. this is working but if i instal the beta and set the code in local config then i get the known problemens with fsacars(database error) now on the full version everyting goes ok. so i will be staying at the full version for now
  4. yes it seems like that nabeel this is wat i get Error: The requested address '/schedules' was not found on this server.
  5. i have downloaded the latest but its still not working i can see myself on the map and the pirep is send but not arriving on the host
  6. i still have the problem of database error so i have been looking for the print_r($data); in the fsacars.php but i cant find it so i just deleted the airline code so it looks likt this CompanyICAO= but now i cant select my compagny it empty as in earlier post can somebody help me i want to use xacars but there the pireps arent working. gr joeri
  7. when trying to go to the vacentral site i only get errors is this correct
  8. ok i wil be testing it in a few min UPDATE:still not working for me i can see me on the live map pirep is alsow succesfuly send but not showing in the site
  9. i alsow have the latesed beta i can send the pirep but it isnt showing in the admin.
  10. check PM and if you want to view my paints ask and i will send some pics
  11. still need a painter
  12. do i have to do every update or just the last. i have just don the last.i was uploading the files got an error on one file dd4b21e9ef71e1291183a46b913ae6f2 this on is from core cach. and on the website i get these errors they are from before the update and now still comming.
  13. it was the beta this isnt alwas the latest
  14. hello today i installed the last beta and i have done 2 flights one with fsacars en one with xacars in my mailbox i get an email with pirep submitted but if i go look on the site notting is there even if i do a manual pirep on the site is says pirep send but nothing is showing up . what could this be. gr joeri
  15. joeri

    need some help

    don that so it will be the difference thanks joeri
  16. joeri

    need some help

    yes i have seen it now think my got stuck. but now comes the funy thing i use ff as browser but if i look to my site in ie8 al the text is orange how can this come. gr joeri
  17. joeri

    need some help

    i had a typo it was not .GIF but .gif but still its not working all the files are on my server don't knwo what is wrong
  18. joeri

    need some help

    i am having some problemens with getting a logo online the logo shows up on my localserver but not on the website as you can see . localserver website the code i use is this one <img src="<?php echo SITE_URL?>/lib/skins/tntairways/images/TNT.GIF">
  19. joeri


    finaly i got it working thanks. gr joeri
  20. joeri


    you are correct the file wans't uploaded to my host so no the link http://www.tnt-virtual.be/lib/skins/tnt airways/images/vatsim.gif is working but still i ame not seeing the picture on my site or even on my local server don't know what i ame doing wrong. gr joeri
  21. joeri


    no thats correct the picture is in my lib/skin/tnt/images but this path isn't working
  22. joeri


    nope isn't working
  23. joeri


    what do you mean by E107 this is just a normal template from owsd. so i think this should be possible if i put in an image link (<img src="images/vatsim.gif" alt="" width="151" height="51" />) it shows up on my screen inside dw but not on the site. gr joeri
  24. joeri


    maby a stupit question, i am using a template for our site but i can't put in images in the header or footer. www.tnt-virtual.be i want some pictures under forum and maby later alsow under new pilots. gr joeri
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