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Everything posted by joeri
didn't work for me
ginen dank if your livery is of could you send it to me so i can take a peak becouse i ame a painter to.an love to look at other people paints. if you are from germany we live in the same time zone so i ame contactble via msn moeschkieto[at]hotmail.com skype: joeridua083 gr
its difficloud to say it depends on the site you are going to build en ofcourse where are you going to put them on a plane are you going to put only the logo or the logo and text on your plane. so for your site i would say the first(verdana) with the text widh of moderna. maiby a different colour i would go for a hard yelow and implement this in the paint of your planes. this is my opinion. gr joeri
i have alsow contacted some dutch and belgium airlines mostly negative advice and alsow pointed them to an other va that used the same name so they could have a sneak peak of haw i was going to make the site now the other airline havent got permission and the airline is getting some problemens with the airline in question. so to get back on your question only if you have written permision from someone from the airline with autograph then you are allowed to use logo's and name and you have to mention it on your site that the logo and name aren't yours than normaly its ok. but these are the rules in belgium and the netherlands don't know how it is outside these country's. gr joeri
thats correct the gents who made this only wanted to log the actual flight and nothing els thy told me maaby in the future release it could be implemented
hello nabeel how do i install it now becous i had some difficoulties last time i download beta zip copy all the files to the folder and then /update/install.php becouse i want to help you i am familiar with xacars. gr joeri
i know its wort looking in to we have used it in a simmular way as fsacars and vms. a complete finanvial system around it. gr joeri
hello nabeel before we found phpvms we have tride many logsytems for our airline. on we have used and was build in in our own vms likwise software was xacars www.xacars.net maby something for the future to implement into phpvms and the nice part of this tracking software is ist alsow compatible with xplane. gr joeri
looks great
i dit it as it shows */ Config::..... or do you mean the value there i puted: PRICE',0.9322); and yes i am first trying to get acars to work.think i maby have found the problem
hello tought the problemens of sending to database where over but again its back after i dit some altering to the local configfile and the update to the latest release so i need some help what ame i doing wrong i install vms full install than i upload via ftp the vms beta type in explorer /update/install.php the installer says install ok after install i delete the install map and than the problemens begin i get errors in my admin page like these Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: Entity: line 1: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found in /home/dutchgl/domains/dutch-global-virtual-airlines.nl/public_html/phpvms/admin/modules/VACentral/VACentral.php on line 58 Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: 1 in /home/dutchgl/domains/dutch-global-virtual-airlines.nl/public_html/phpvms/admin/modules/VACentral/VACentral.php on line 58 Warning: simplexml_load_string() [function.simplexml-load-string]: ^ in /home/dutchgl/domains/dutch-global-virtual-airlines.nl/public_html/phpvms/admin/modules/VACentral/VACentral.php on line 58 There was an error, server said "" and alsow after the update i added this code to the local config file # Fuel info /* Default fuel price, for airports that don't have And the surcharge percentage. View the docs for more details about these */ Config::Set('FUEL_DEFAULT_PRICE', 0.45); Config::Set('FUEL_GET_LIVE_PRICE', true); Config::Set('FUEL_SURCHARGE', '5'); so i dont know what i ame doing wrong gr joeri
small question Nabeel the plane on the acarsmap is it possible to make it turn so its directed to the heading you are flying.i know its possible(seen it) but dont know if its possible in the phpvms program. gr joeri
yes i know but if i enter 0 or leave it blank for the live price it doesnt give a price i think and than it schould take the defould not.and the fuel pricing i want is set so if i leave it blank it should tahe te correct one Whats the va lue line? if i think correct what your asking its set in euro
in my local config file there is nothing to change the fuel cost in other topicks i have seen that they had the folowing line in the local config # Fuel info /* Default fuel price, for airports that don't have And the surcharge percentage. View the docs for more details about these */ Config::Set('FUEL_DEFAULT_PRICE', 0.45); Config::Set('FUEL_GET_LIVE_PRICE', true); Config::Set('FUEL_SURCHARGE', '5'); can i just ad this to my local config file i have installed the last build but nothing showing up. gr joeri update i have put it in the local config and changed the value 0.45 to 0.9918 kg-lbs but for a flight of about 1.5 hours (654nm) i had an feul expence of -524 euros. don't know what is wrong. gr joeri
have done a complete reinstall of vms and fsacars and dit not change vms now its working fine so there was an error on the vms side.i thing somwere a smal code error that i made myself.gr joeri
if i setup an local website (using xampp)as mentiont in an other topich is it possible to send an logfile to it
ok but this is the installer that i used for the initial install. is this maby the problem wy i got the database error. gr joeri
now maby a verry stupid question but how do i install them do i need to alter the files or download someting i am not a coder i know something but not to much therefor this question
here is a picture gr joeri but on the website is still an pirep incomming but alwase the same and not only with me but alsow with different pilots. gr joeri
the ting you say i alwase do the file only sayed the following: SuccessPIREP successfully addedOK. after the pirep is send alsow the page where the logging stands in fsacars is empty so i cand safe the pirep if somethinh sould have gone wrong as it dous now
still not working just dit a fresh install of the website, database and on my own computer.still getting the message pirep not send database error this is the first pirp send to the database and if i send e new pirep only the one that is saved om the server is still showing up (pirep 1 : eham-dtmb, pirep 2 eham ebbr but on the website in the admin the recived pirep is pirep 1 don't know wat is cousing this the only thin i have kept og the old site it the local config file could this be the problem. gr joeri
hello dit you changed the units form lb to kg if so you have to recalculate the fuel pricing my va i lokated in the netherlands and here we use around 0.76 as fuel pricing. than you get about for us 23 pireps = 280000€ of fuel paymend (thats aboud 40 hours of flying) after some calculating we thought the price is good. gr joeri
nope both are ok i think its a database error have done multipule test from different usseres. all get the same error. database error but a log is send and it is alwayse the same so i think the database is something wrong. is there a way to reinsatall the database whitout losing hours and routes and pilots the site is not so a problem. think al this happend becous in the beginning we changed 3 pilots id directly in the database. gr joeri
hello nabeel in the faq forum thers nothing on this topic . if i send a logfile i get the error database error then i get an mail pirep send.if i go look at the pireps it takes an old logfile that is saved on my pc and if i del the file from my pc it still take this one and it shows up again on my pc. if a do a complete deinstal of fsaccars the first pirep goes good and then its back to the problem. don't know what to do. gr joeri