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  1. They have taken down the skin
  2. Look out people our Skin has been stolen by http://aalvirtual.org/ The CEO is known for using other va's skins Plus can anyone help us get them to remove it?
  3. No where near the same logo as airtran. good luck!
  4. Hi Here's ours. We have aircraft restrictions. CLASS C - Embraer 145XR, Sukhoi Superjet 100. 0-10hrs CLASS B - Boeing 737-800, Boeing 767-300. 10-50hrs CLASS A - Boeing 747-400, Boeing 747-400F, Mcdonnell Douglas MD11. 50hrs + Tom
  5. Hello, I could probably do you a repaint for the ATR42 for fsX and fs9 but i wont be able to do it very quickly maybe 1/2 weeks? Regards, Tom.
  6. Nice Site! I like your logo alot. Good Luck, Tom
  7. Hey Edmund, Try looking at some tutorial videos on youtube, they are great help and give you some great knowledge on how to use cool effects in Sony Vegas. Also i recommend that you get DBS Walk and Follow if you have not already got it, It gives you the oppertunity to record some angles of aircraft you wouldn't be able to get with just default views. Tom
  8. You can't miss out the RAF!
  9. Very nice indeed! I agree with itrobb the current one is shockingly bad! Tom
  10. Chris, I have noticed you have opened many VA's and closed within a few months. What I suggest is keep at one just keep going through thick and thin. I've had FlyFlorida for 3 years this coming December and have created a well established and small friendly community. It's only now 3 years down the line that I am beginning to think of another small VA to do as a side project whilst still running FlyFlorida. I learnt from my mistakes in the past of owning 2/3 VA's at the same time. It proved a lot of hard work and was getting in the way of education and work. Tom.
  11. I've just tried this and the same problem is occuring. Tom
  12. The Destinations area is incomplete, Plus there isn't really any need to include destinations of each individual airline. I personally think you should utilise the alliance as a group which gets together maybe every 2/3months and has an event each pilot representing their airline in the alliance. Also to share ideas. Just a little suggestion of mine, otherwise its great! Tom
  13. Hi, Its a great idea but i think you should of completed the website first as destinations takes me to coming soon, events takes me to coming soon and the forum takes me to a hosting company. Once its completed i might think about signing up FlyFlorida. Oh yeah also there is a few typo's on the english home page, ains = aims creat = create comunity = community resourses = resources also not a big one but i notice you have website spelt as Web Site in the first line. Tom FlyFlorida CEO.
  14. This is true it could be costly to develop.
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