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  1. you use ie and not work! use alternate browser google chrome
  2. How do you get the inclusion of the VOR on the map?
  3. Great ! i expect get further developments
  4. www.tcaf.it
  5. if I click on a download goes into an infinite loop situation and the page just sits there clicking at you as it continuously reloads i have checked the link and it is correct my code is <h1>Downloads</h1> <?php if(!$allcategories) { echo 'Der er ingen downloads!'; return; } foreach($allcategories as $category) { ?> <p><h2><strong><?php echo $category->name?></strong></h2></p> <ul> <?php # This loops through every download available in the category $alldownloads = DownloadData::GetDownloads($category->id); if(!$alldownloads) { echo 'Der er ingen downloads'; $alldownloads = array(); } foreach($alldownloads as $download) { ?> <li> <a href="<?php echo url('/downloads/dl/'.$download->id);?>"> <?php echo $download->name?></a><br /> <?php echo $download->description?><br /> <a href="<?php echo url('/downloads/dl/'.$download->id);?>"> <img src="<?php echo $download->image?>"></a><br /> <em>Downloaded <?php echo $download->hits?> times</em></li> <br/> <?php } ?><br /> </ul> <?php } ?> how can I fix it? thank's
  6. fsx


    i not have this filw in the my skin edit: Solved i edit layout.tpl Thank's
  7. fsx


    i have 2 file footer.tpl 1) \admin\lib\layout 2) \admin\lib\layout_dark I have edit two file, but does not work
  8. fsx


    I would like to publicly thank a person putting his name with his page in the my footer. Where is this file?
  9. see if this can serve http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/1712-having-a-va-chat-server/
  10. Great. Up for test ;-)
  11. now, it's ok thank's
  12. in Joomla I had the possibility to put the site in maintenance and then executed the change, with phpvms it is possible to do this?
  13. Hi everybody, @lorathon If I click on the map plane, appears out a table shows (Time Altitude Heading LAT LNG Fuel Phase V SPD SPD G)it is from these data that run the mathematical operation ? or it is an additional table ?
  14. The default skin provides photos of excessive size, I shrunk the photos, but the menu does not rise above, how can you decide its height?
  15. fsx

    Drop Down Menus

    sorry for the stupid question but not have find the correct responce in 2 day what's your name the file for edit ??? and where is it ?
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