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Everything posted by PIAS2011

  1. yes the acars map needs resizing i dont find any problem with The font colors.
  2. Nice skin good luck
  3. Thanks alot!
  4. The images you have attached are not available/have been removed. Anyways nice site good luck!
  5. thanks alot to all fot there replies. Well yes i think i should create 2 youtube channels 1 for PIAS and 1 for PIAS Members giving them access to upload there videos which they want..
  6. But i want some sort of A special Video Upload Portal for our members.
  7. I think i should ask simpilot to release something like this.
  8. Hello all Just thinking that is there any addon in which Members can upload there flight sim videos if not can someone build something like this.
  9. . The new table, the var_dump, the print_r
  10. may i have a link from where to download that.
  11. when did the beta version release updating now the site..!
  12. ok found what i wanted http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/4779-rev-960-maintenance-mode-template/page__p__32027__hl__maintenance__fromsearch__1#entry32027 SOLVED
  13. Hello How can i edit the Maintenance Mode template? Thanks
  14. Nothing there it's empty
  15. Still getin the same error!
  16. 1. Congrats on starting your VA. 2. You need to skin your site according to your VA theme colors. Anyways good luck!
  17. 1. YES 2. YES 3. YES But my phpvms sql has a different prefix
  18. bump please someone kindly respond to my error that i am receiving.
  19. cant find
  20. getting this error Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /****/*****/*******/******/core/templates/tp_index.tpl on line 24 Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /****/*****/*******/******/core/templates/tp_index.tpl on line 41
  21. Hi When is this version coming ? Thanks
  22. hi can anyone tell me some sort of a module from which we can display all pireps?
  24. Ok. Thanks Nabeel [solved]
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