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Everything posted by PIAS2011

  1. not blaming u. sayin this to mods
  2. Listen now This is not a crap VA this is the FIRST PIA VA which is REALISTIC as many people said that. We are getting members thats the point first my topics were not being deleted suddenly you people started deleting my topics WHY
  3. just posted 1 in total
  4. what is copyrighted in this site. People are joining. and secondly vpia person has the whole skin copyrighted of flyaka
  5. who is and why is this topic being DELETED.
  6. Hello all A new PIA Virtual Airline has opened with the Name: PIAS(Pakistan International Simulations - Virtual Airline). We have a really professional designed website. We have launched and now are accepting pilot applications. Website: Click Here to Open The following Management Staff Positions are currently available. Human Resources Manager (HR) Director Flight Operations (D.F.O) Director Events Events Coordinator Assistant Director Flight Operations Hub Manager Assistant Hub Manager Assistant H.R VA Promotions Manager (Advertising Manager) All interested staff job applicants can PM me there applications.
  7. Thanks alot to all.
  8. how to add the coloured table background and border like in recent booked flight board
  9. Hello Sorry that i am posting this as i do know that there are Alot of similar topics to this but please do help me in this. Can someone tell me a code to display Recent Flights board with landing rate and status? Thanks
  10. Welcome
  11. Good Luck with the VA.
  12. Nice site and good luck with the va
  13. Just a second I never demanded for your Flyaero template. Secondly regarding what u said that the Template u made for me Contained alot of bugs and i am not using your skin i am getting a new one designed........
  14. Thanks alot for your replies will try up making a plugin or something. but if anyone gets any idea on how to do the auto register thing for MYBB please do help.. Looks like i should go to SMF. The reason i dont like SMF because there are no good designs of the SMF Forum. Awaiting.
  15. SMF is basically really boring forum soft. Mybb is quite similar to IPBoard.
  16. anyone?
  17. removed as the other person who we were replying has removed his post.
  18. Update Another Position has been filled now the following positions are available ; Human Resources Manager (HR) Director Flight Operations (D.F.O) Director Events Events Coordinator Assistant Director Flight Operations Hub Manager Assistant Hub Manager Assistant H.R VA Promotions Manager (Advertising Manager) All interested applicants can PM me there applications.
  19. I dont like to use SMF someone please help me with mybb. anyways thanks
  20. Hello All is there any code or script for the forum MYBB to register pilots automatically ? Thanks
  21. hello very nice site good luck with the va. Regards
  22. actually we made this account for all the staff.
  23. not jokin here i am ali the events cordinator.
  24. Dont make it a issue and i am not Walleed i am the Events Cordinator PIASimulation and this PHPVMS account is for all PIAS Staff.
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