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Everything posted by HighFlyerPL185

  1. Thank you. Is there any way of adding Date of Birth field by any chance? Custom fields option doesn't offer that much flexibility on that matter.
  2. Hello there, I am currently working on the registration module on my site, and I am wondering if adding custom fields would be a good option for adding fields such as Date of Birth and Middle Name, and is there any possibility to add a custom field with a dropdown, that tells the administrator what version of Flight Sim a given applicant is using and such? Thanks.
  3. Hello there, I am just about to start a european low-cost virtual airline that I've been working on with my friend who painted the fleet for about a month or two. However, our sponsor has turned out, claiming that he's simply not interested anymore. So we're a flying double now. My question is mainly how to attract people onto management opportunities such as PMDG instructors, marketing or HR directors. And is there any possibility of finding solid crew before the airline opens up? The trouble is, we want to make the best impression out there, and as we know, first impressions last, so quite frankly, we're not ready to open up yet. Besides, we don't know anyone from our "circles" that could join the airline, as instructors or directors of any sort - most of people I know don't play FSX. How could I advertise the airline for staff to join before it opens doors? I know may sound a little bit odd at first, but I guess a good team to start off with is the key to success. Another question is a host-based question. Is it better to go for a fivedev promotion (correct me if I'm wrong, but 12 months seems cheaper on the booking form than 1 or 3, which is a hell of a bargain!) and take the 12 months, or instead take 3 months, in case the airline fails? I have good belief in the success of it, but so far, we're a double, and I'm simply afraid that they're might not be enough support from the community.
  4. How should I implement the frequency table? It hasn't really worked I'm afraid, or I'm probably going wrong somewhere. I've just added the code to the column I want it to appear in.
  5. That's very useful, thank you for those tips as I am starting a VA too, and it will be hopefully online in a couple of weeks. The only trouble with the web based systems is that some of them, like custom ACARS, are harder to make, and paying for them can be bit of a pull on your cash. I am not saying this to criticize the programmers, because they certainly put their hardest effort into constructing these softwares, but seriously, I've got a good blockbuster game for that price bracket. Additionally, languages like C++ are hard to learn especially when you're not studying them at uni or school, the tutorials are usually vague, because they tell you what to do sometimes in quite a detail, yet if you have any problems, you have to experiment yourself.
  6. Thanks for the clues on the first one, I've changed them accordingly to my preferences. However, I can't find the days flown thing anywhere
  7. Hello there, I was looking to change the ICAO code of Departure and Arrival points on the Schedule Results to city names. How can I do that? I had a look at the database directly but I don't see any fields that could have city names inside them. Since I'm at that, I'll ask one further question if you wouldn't mind. Is there a way to present image instead of a day flown? I.e I want to make 7 additional columns (done that), each column standing for each day. The header would have Mon, Tue, Wed etc, and the image would display in the row, where appropriate.
  8. Hi there. I was wondering, how can I replace the icao aircraft name with the full name of it? I've tried this, but it returns an empty list and only shows the "All" option... {echo '<option value="'.$aircraft->fullname.'">'.$aircraft->fullname.'</option>';}
  9. HighFlyerPL185


    I have that already in the layout.tpl, and it works on all of the pages within the system, but on all of the pages I create outside the system, the page is titled "Content".
  10. HighFlyerPL185


    I have tried your tutorial and I found it very useful like I said, however I can't figure out how to change titles of each of the pages. I tried simply <title> tags at the top of the template, but I guess that it requires some more effort...
  11. I love it. The colours, themes and it's simplicity make it look stand out, as well as look professional. Well done mate.
  12. How can I link a specific booked flight to it's briefing? And is it possible to code all of the booked flights in a dropdown box?
  13. Thanks for your reply, but this is not what I meant exactly. My question was more like, if there is a way to exclude code from a template? I.e main jQuery banner is set in layout.tpl to display for all pages, but I want to exclude it for profile_main.tpl.
  14. Reset your signatures again, and try a power refresh when you click on Pilot's Badge using Ctrl+F5. That solved the issue for me.
  15. Hello there, I have designed a pilot centre for my pilots, and I have made a custom banner just for the centre. In the layout.tpl, I have a jQuery sliding banner defined for all of the sites, but I was wondering whether there is a way to exclude it in the pilot center, so I end up with a single banner, and not two of them? Regards, HighFlyer
  16. I am looking for something similar if anyone has something like this.
  17. HighFlyerPL185


    Thanks a lot. Quite a useful tutorial, well done on it.
  18. Alright, I see. Well, thanks for your help, I guess the best way will be to bypass it by making backups, it seems much easier that way.
  19. I only want to include a single template, layout.tpl. Would that require going through a lot of files as well?
  20. Thanks for a quick reply. What I mean, is that they save empty, and I find it more useful to code it rather than use the editor which I find sometimes shifts the code and removes the tags. Is there an efficient way of including templates into a custom created html file or not really?
  21. Hello there, I was wondering how to create html pages that use the layout template and that do not need to be edited by the system and the editor inside Admin Panel, but rather via HTML. I'll explain why because you may think that I'm trying to cheat the system, or I'm bollocking the product. The product is in fact very fantastic and functional, yet I find that remaking pages everytime you reinstall phpVMS (happens to me quite often, as I'm developing) is quite annoying, because you lose your pages. It would be nice if there would be a way to create pages and link them to the menu. I would appreciate any tips. Thanks, HighFlyer
  22. Bump, anyone please?
  23. HighFlyerPL185


    If I understand correctly, would it work if I save it in the same folder as the skin templates, use the layout.tpl instead of hubstats.tpl in this instance, and just create a html page with content located in the appropriate div tags where I want them to be?
  24. Hello there, I have three, I hope tiny questions, to do mainly with the ACARS Map. I hope you can answer at least some of them, I'd appreciate any answers 1 - As far as I'm aware, acars_map_bubble has a span tag applied to the text inside it, and the style there has text-align: left; included. However, the text inside the bubble seems to be centered, and I've tried to style it to align to the left but got no result. 2 - The live flights table is a tiny bit confusing, but maybe it's the fact that I'm just getting used to phpVMS structure. The trouble is, I want to run a bottom border on thead section of the table without any spaces, but in order for it to work, I have to style it for td and that means that every row has the bottom border. Is there a way to limit it just to the head of it? 3 - Is there a way to display a detailed information on the Departure and Arrival column, beside just the vague ICAO code? For instance, "London Gatwick, England (EGKK)" And since I'm at it, I would like to ask a question outside ACARS if you wouldn't mind. How to call an echo of a $pilotid in a table on the homepage? The default <?php echo $pilotid; ?> displays nothing in the cell. Thanks and regards, HighFlyer
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