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Everything posted by HighFlyerPL185

  1. I'm trying to do this but it just throws 'Invalid argument supplied for foreach()' and I'm completely puzzled: $params = array( 'p.hub' => 'EGKK', ); $pilots = PilotData::findPilots($params); if (is_array($values)) { foreach($pilots as $pilot) { echo "{$pilot->firstname} {$pilot->lastname}<br />"; } } Preferably, I'd also like the icao to be dynamic, and work with $airport->icao. I assume this can be achieved by doing 'p.hub' => $airport->icao?
  2. Hi, I was wondering how I could create a database column in a way that I could avoid it being wiped out during updates? They don't come often, and I'm not complaining at all, but I'd rather be safe than later lose that data. If there is a way to do this, I'm absolutely clueless on how to assign arrays so they can display in a table, i.e $schedules->new_column_name, so could anyone please redirect me towards some kind of a tutorial or point to a starting point with an example? For instance, I'd like to add a column called 'division' to phpvms_schedules. The column would be used to assign simple values, 1, 2, 3 etc. 1 for example could stand for Low-Cost, and then I could do an if else statement to display an image for that division. Would that work or is there some more trickery to it?
  3. What are you doing to call it? I believe it should already come as a package and work, but you need a certain amount of images for it to paginate. It's not rocket science. In core/modules/Screenshots open that single .php file and find this line: $size = 8; I have it set to eight on my site, you can set it to whatever you want. You can see it working on my site: http://flyeurova.com...php/Screenshots Make sure you call it in the screenshots_viewer.tpl file, but I believe it should be already there. $navigation calls the pagination from the file, while the $echo displays it on the site in a formatted output. $navigation = $pagination->create_links(); echo $navigation; P.S - There's plenty of tutorials on PHP out there, and it's of great benefit to read them through. Luckily, many great guys involved with phpVMS make life easier for everyone by releasing great addons
  4. Failing that, alternatively supply pilots with a link to a little ingenious software called FSXSave? According to Tesco, Every Little Helps
  5. Hi, I was wondering if there is a possibility to use a three letter code for Pilot ID's and two letter code for flight numbers? For example, FEU for pilots and FE for flight numbers?
  6. Hi there, I have this really weird issue, we have just welcomed a new pilot. Last pilot received id FE1029, and the next received FE1041. There was no reason for bot spam or anything like that, as I haven't been deleting any accounts. When I try to change the Pilot ID, it gives me the following error. #1451 - Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails (`flyeurov_main`.`phpvms_fieldvalues`, CONSTRAINT `phpvms_fieldvalues_ibfk_2` FOREIGN KEY (`pilotid`) REFERENCES `phpvms_pilots` (`pilotid`) ON DELETE CASCADE) Edit:// I had a look at it, and Pilot ID (being the foreign key, I assume) was in tables phpvms_fieldvalues and groupmembers. I've deleted the members record, and reentered it after changing AUTO_INCREMENT to 30. Could that have any future side effects, and is there any reason that could have happened? I can't get down to producing a logical explanation to why the database made such a huge jump.
  7. Doesn't look like it's empty. It returned 'B738'. Bizarre.
  8. I have the same issue, 24 guests all of a sudden... Cleared the sessions table, and they're still there.
  9. Hi there, I'm trying to print the aircraft's full name, but the array comes out as NULL. Any ideas? $aircraft = OperationsData::getAircraftInfo($pirep->aircraft); <?php echo $aircraft->fullname; ?> If I do var_dump($aircraft); it comes out as NULL. $pirep is taken from a foreach($pireps as $pirep). I'm trying to parse it in frontpage_main.tpl.
  10. Hi there, I have a banner in my website structure below my navigation bar. Since I wanted to display it on all of the pages, I have defined it in layout.tpl like this... <div id="banner"></div> <div class="boxmain"> <?php /* This will insert all of the "meat" of the page in there - the template which is generated, depending on which page you're on. To change these templates, check out the docs on the site. They're under the /core/templates folder, and to change them, copy them into the folder of your skin (the folder this file is in right now. */ echo $page_content; ?> </div> 'boxmain' class is my main page content. However, on one of the templates I want to be able to remove the banner outside of the template. Is that possible or would I have to do it the normal way, by defining a banner inside 'boxmain' on all of the templates, one by one?
  11. Thanks, and of course, the more of us there is, the more choice we provide I am proud to announce that I have added professional fleet design to my offer. Like with the web development, prices range depending on a quote.
  12. Hi there, I'd like to offer the phpVMS community my humble web development services and fleet painting. I decided to do this, to raise some cash into the hosting and possible development of my own airline. I can offer the community mainly skinning services, from A to Z with some basic PHP and MySQL developments. Therefore, my prices are relatively cheap. Process PM me or Skype (through PM haha) with the order details (what you'd like to see on the site, any examples). The pricing is discussed individually, depending on what you're requirements are. I do not stop with the web development of the website until you are entirely satisfied with it. Once you order a website with me, I'd like a simple deposit of to be paid in full via PayPal, and the remainder paid once all the files are with you. The deposit depends on the overall price of the final order. There are all kinds of people in this weird world, and I just need some kind of a security bond to show to me that you're loyal when it comes to holding your end of the deal, in case you we're to run away to Uganda to build a scamming monopoly. I'm only kidding Guarantee Everything I do, is just for you. You are the full owner of the content I produce, however I'd like some credit for the construction of the site to satisfy everyone along the line. Even if it's a little mention in the footer or in partners page, I'll be smiling. Of course, I can take it off for a small charge. Need it quick? You can even request the site to be done in 48 hours for an extra charge - it'll still be done with professionalism, you just have to bear with me. And if I fail to do it in 48 hours because I'm busy or my plans change, you won't be charged a penny for the service, yet I'll do my best to complete the site with the original offer advertised. So what do you actually do? Skinning is the main field I specialize in. I can basically produce any graphics for you, layouts, templates, and depending on your specific requirements, I can add different fancy stuff to your site. I can also provide some basic PHP and MySQL development. Got any examples for me? Websites: http://flyeurova.com http://cargo.flyeurova.com http://oi48.tinypic.com/2d7zbr9.jpg (this website used to be online... not anymore, so just a picture) http://www.airwalesvirtual.co.uk/ http://www.reachva.com/ Repaints: https://plus.google....7441?banner=pwa - flyeuro NGX 738 https://lh3.googleus...03-26_00001.jpg - Ohio Express B738 https://plus.google....=CJKFqvizkIj6PA - inSpirit fleet - B738, B767, B752, MD11 https://plus.google....5361?banner=pwa - flybritain Dash 8-Q400 https://plus.google....6385?banner=pwa - A State of Trance 600 Logojet - PMDG 737 NGX https://plus.google....761956221109457 - blueArrow T7 PMDG https://drive.google...WFU&usp=sharing - Lux Airways Interactive Route Maps I am now offering interactive route maps, which can be ordered for £45 (for customers which have used my service before, I offer a £10 discount). In the package, you can request the size and the look of the map, design of the labels, lines, any buttons such as "Reset" to return to the main screen etc. The package is only a template with the map page. It uses a third party jQuery library, which is not resold as a part of the package. Both can be implemented for you, or I can give you setup instructions. Please note that the current version offers clickable labels only for hubs, and not destinations (future versions will hopefully support this, as we need to optimize the map). An example can be seen here: http://flyeurova.com...ent/flyeuro_map You mentioned fleet livery design. Can you give me more details on this? I can also give you a fantastic, professional livery with the graphical content based upon your airline. You can be as creative with it as you wish; give us your own design, or leave us to do our magic. If you need it quick, we can get it done. And as with web development, we're not finished until you are satisfied. And most importantly, you're the full owner of the content I produce. I'm interested. How do I get in contact with you? Send me a Private Message, and we'll discuss the matter further. If you have Skype, do not hesitate to send me a Private Message asking for my Skype details See ya.
  13. Could you provide me with an example please if possible? I'm not sure what wassup data is.
  14. Hi there, I was wondering to what extent would it be possible to implement online and offline flying statistics? Basically, I'd like to log a type of flight, whether it was online or offline, so then we can display a count on pilot's profile i.e Online/Offline = 5/2. I'm not sure however what are the current possibilities of the system to implement this; whether kACARS can detect it, or whether some addon would make it possible... Any ideas?
  15. Our promotional video for 2013 is now online. We have worked hard to illustrate the beauty of virtual aviation, and now the promotional video is complete. An almost 5 minute long video is accompanied by Above & Beyond's inspiring instrumental single "Sun In Your Eyes". The film illustrates clips of our fleet at different airports, and when it's in air in some of the most beautiful European locations we cover; Canary Islands, Bergen, Innsbruck, Croatia and many more. Feel inspired or interested to take your virtual career a step further? Don't let it go to waste - join us at http://flyeurova.com today!
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  16. That's a fantastic website Eddie. And no, not really. I'm talking about them yellow icons that show fixes and waypoints on the map. But that looks equally good.
  17. Hi, I have noticed that on some websites which use phpVMS, they have an enhancement in which the PIREP map displays VORs, waypoints and fixes on the map. How can this be enabled? Or is it some kind of kACARS Custom feature? Can it also read the fixes from the route specified in the schedule to make it easier?
  18. Thank you for that tip
  19. Hi there, I have this bizarre issue where one of my pilots filed a PIREP with a different aircraft to the one supplied in the schedule, and I'm confused how that happened, any ideas? This is the schedule: FE,9320,EGGP,GCFV,,G-EUTA,,,14:20,18:40,04:20,,,P,46, And G-EUTA is visible in the system, in the Admin Panel. However, the pilot's PIREP states that the route was flown using G-EULI, a completely different aircraft from a different hub. I was thinking he could have used the option 'Select Aircraft' in kACARS and that could have affected the PIREP maybe?
  20. I was wondering how can I make PIREP pagination but so it splits it into pages you can browse? i.e 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. If you click 5 it will show 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and so on.
  21. Just noticed, if anyone ever encounters such an issue, I think my host uses linux, because it could not find the files, which it could find on my system. As it happens with Linux, it is case sensitive, unlike Windows, so it needs lowercase characters in our case. Adding a strtolower(string) function fixes it all <img src="<?php echo SITE_URL;?>/lib/images/countries/<?php echo strtolower($imgicao);?>.png" alt="<?php echo strtolower($imgicao);?>" />
  22. Thanks Sava, you're a star again. I discovered it actually worked before, but it was getting the full country name and applying it to find an image i.e /united_kingdom.png and not /uk.png. But your suggestion has sorted it, thanks a lot!
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