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  1. Thomas


    Anyone got a download for this? Would like to install it on our site again. Thanks
  2. Done it a different way... rolled back the entire server files (apart from databases) to yesterday. Dont know why I didnt do that in the first place. Thank youfor the help Parviz
  3. Didn't work. Also I can't do anything with the schedules. It just says No Route Passed when I add to bid. Everything doesnt work properly. Not sure why but really frustrating me now. Thomas.
  4. Hi Guys, Can only see white pages? http://buffaloairwaysvirtual.com/index.php/pages/partners - Just had to do a full re-upload of the site after someone decided to hack into it although didn't do anything to the databases. I've re-uploaded and uploaded them again but nothing works. Also the ACARS Map isn't showing. Can someone help? Been bashing my head against the wall for the past 3 hours. Thomas.
  5. I would also like to know this too please. Anyone?
  6. See this post Daniel; http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/6970-server-overloaded-account-suspended/page__view__findpost__p__46403
  7. Something else I've noticed, all pilots are showing 0 flights? http://buffaloairwaysvirtual.com/index.php/pilots
  8. Will have another look but like I say, there is no errors being picked up anywhere else, only by the beta version of phpvms. Something else I noticed on the cron job... php -f /var/www/vhosts/buffaloairwaysvirtual.com/httpdocs/admin/maintenance.php Why is it pointing to the httpdocs folder? Is there anywhere I can change this as the link should be: php -f /var/www/vhosts/buffaloairwaysvirtual.com/admin/maintenance.php
  9. Have read them Nabeel. Never got any errors during the previous (stable) version of phpvms. Any fixes for the other 2 errors? http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/6970-server-overloaded-account-suspended/page__view__findpost__p__46550
  10. Already done this Jeff, still get the errors. Have done, image attached.
  11. Hi Nabeel, Seem to of fixed the Schedules error. Still have a couple though: 1) When I click on a pilot in the admin panel then go to Pilot Groups > Add To Group > It takes me directly to the script? (img1 attached) 2) When I go to change the 'Default User Group' in the admin panel - general options, I select the different group, click save and it gives me confirmation that my settings have been changed but they are still getting added to Active Pilots when I changed the default group to Inactive Pilots 3) On the front page, the BFL Statistics section, the total hours seems to be in time mode? (img3 attached) I did notice too that once I do the checkinstall.php I get these errors... [Checksum failed] /core/common/ActivityData.class.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date [Checksum failed] /core/templates/activity_list.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date [Checksum failed] /core/templates/pireps_airportdropdown.tpl did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date [Checksum failed] /core/modules/Activity/Activity.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date [Checksum failed] /core/vendors/orm/paris.php did not match, possibly corrupt or out of date Appreciate the help guys.
  12. Thanks Joeri. So any idea how I can resolve these issues? Would like to get the site back up and running ASAP.
  13. Right guys, another couple of error's were having since the switch over... Number 1 happens when importing schedules or adding them manually... BFL9082 was not added, reason: Unknown column 'week1' in 'field list' BFL9083 was not added, reason: Unknown column 'week1' in 'field list' BFL9084 was not added, reason: Unknown column 'week1' in 'field list' BFL9085 was not added, reason: Unknown column 'week1' in 'field list' The import process is complete, added 0 schedules, updated 4, for a total of 0 Number 2 happens on BFL ACARS (kacars)... NOTIFY SYSTEM ADMINISTRATOR OF THE SWITCH ERROR DATA NOT RECIEVED SWITCH = VERIFY Please help
  14. Thomas

    HubStats Class

    Cheers mate
  15. Thomas

    HubStats Class

    Hi Tom, Don't suppose you still have the full php code do you please? I can't download it from the original post and really need it for my site as we were running it before. Thanks, Thomas.
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