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Everything posted by vazquezjm

  1. Thank you Dave for letting us know! I have a couple of websites and they were both compromised. I found several suspicous files. Change your FTP passwords and if possible, remove unused ones!!
  2. Hi there! When I try to manually enter a PIREP, I fill all the fields in /index.php/pireps/filepirep and when I hit "Submit" I'm redirected to /index.php/pireps/mine (which is right) but I get this error message: "This PIREP is not yours!" It works flawlesly with kACARS but not manually, please help!
  3. Was not using the right connection string Thank you for your support!!
  4. Ok, I did this and nothing happened. No pilots were inserted API calls work. I tried with a couple of classes and methods so I know the codon.config.php is being included properly. Is there any way I can debug, read a log or something like that? I set Config::Set('DEBUG_MODE', true); in the local.config.php and nothing was shown during the execution of the script. Thank you.
  5. Awesome! Thank you very much for your help. I'll let you know the outcome later this week Cheers
  6. Ok, cool, and one last question (at least for today ). I see I should use one of the methods from the RegistrationData class: RegistrationData::AddUser($data); How do I invoke or use the class within my PHP script? Thank you!
  7. I'm planning to do raw inserts into the table, but not sure how to generate the password using MD5.. something like: $pass = md5("NewPass*123"); and then: INSERT INTO pilots (pilotid, firstname, password) VALUES ($pilotid, $firstname, $pass); will suffice? Then, when the pilot logs in, he will enter his email and "NewPass*123" (in this example) and he will be logged in?
  8. Hi there! I'm creating a PHP script to export pilots from a custom built VA Admin System I did a few years ago. I opened RegistrationDataClass.php and found out that the AddUser method receives the following array as parameter: $data = array( 'firstname' => '', 'lastname' => '', 'email' => '', 'password' => '', 'code' => '', 'location' => '', 'hub' => '', 'confirm' => false); I can fill most of those fields with legacy data, but not sure how to create a pre-defined password and salt (?) and have pilots change their passwords once the logon for the first time into the system. Also, are those the only required fields to create an entry in the pilots table? TIA!
  9. Is there an ETA on when the RC or REL version will be available? Are you considering an upgrade plan? Thanks!
  10. Hi guys! I was searching for something on the forum and came accross this post: http://forum.phpvms.net/page/index.html/_/administrator-guide/setting-up-twitter-r37 I just downloaded and installed phpVMS and my version number is 2.1.934. Is there a version 3.0 available for download? Thanks!
  11. Hi all. I was wondering if a news item could have its own view/page? For instance: va-domain.com/news/1, va-domain.com/news/322, etc What for? Have the possiblity to show more content, have each news item marked as "Like" on Facebook or shared on other social networks, etc.
  12. Hi! I'm trying to filter results by aircraft, and added the following code to TouchdownStats.php: public function by_aircraft($aircraftId) { $this->set('stats', TouchdownStatsData::by_aircraft($aircraftId)); $this->show('touchdownstats/touchdownstats_index.tpl'); } and this code to TouchdownStatsData.class.php: public function get_stats_by_aircraft($aircraftId) { $query = "SELECT pilotid, code, flightnum, depicao, arricao, aircraft, landingrate, submitdate FROM `".TABLE_PREFIX."pireps` WHERE landingrate < '0' AND aircraft = $aircraftId ORDER BY landingrate DESC"; return DB::get_results($query); } When I invoke the listing (/index.php/Touchdownstats/by_aircraft/2), I get: Fatal error: Call to undefined method TouchdownStatsData::get_stats_by_aircraft() in .../core/modules/TouchdownStats/TouchdownStats.php on line 25 What am I missing?
  13. It would be a nice to have feature, the option to mark a custom field on the PIREP form as 'mandatory'. Probably thinking in a future release Keep up the good work!
  14. Hi. Is this working with 1.1.13?
  15. Hi. I was creating a news post for my VA and noticed that title is truncated when saved. Looks like it is limited to 30 characters. The thing is that the title field on /admin/index.php/sitecms/editnews?id=xx is not limited to 30 characters. Another improvement I'd suggest to this page is the ability to unpublish an entry (checkbox) without having to delete it. Thank you!
  16. It would be a nice feature to enable/disable an airport. We create monthly spec ops around the world. Since those flights are not part of the regular schedule, we have lots of airports listed on our route finder. Maybe adding a checkbox to hide the airports would be something to consider for future releases and will not affect database integrity
  17. Thanks Jeff, it worked!
  18. How did you solve it?
  19. Hi All. I'm experiencing the same error: What could be wrong? I'm using cPanel and tried both manual and wizard modes for creating the DB
  20. I do, but they're in Spanish :- Anyway, they're simple questions with 3 or 5 possible answers, only one of them is valid. Let me know if you need help
  21. I'm working on my own version right now. Exams are multiple choice type and will have several controls like session, time laps since last unsuccessful try and more. This is a personal project but will maybe it will be easy to integrate it with phpVMS, will see
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