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Everything posted by llju1

  1. llju1

    In Progress

    If you want 3 even columns then just do a Frontpage in Html first then change it to .tpl. that is how I did my site. some one wrote it in my own thread dealing with this. So make a new frontpage.html using tables do not edit the frontpage.tpl in the phpvms folder ;D. After you have it done the way you want then change it to frontpage.tpl and up load it to your skins folder. I hope this helps. http://vmac.info
  2. llju1

    New VA Skin

    Got it ;D the code was there Just had to move it under this line to display <li><?php echo $award->name ?></li> Like this: <li><?php echo $award->name ?></li> <img src="<?php echo $award->image?>" alt="<?php echo $award->descrip?>" /> Thanks everyone for help with all my questions. I now have my site looking the way I like it. :
  3. llju1

    New VA Skin

    hey How do we get the Pilot Awards images to show up on the profile? I have awards and have put in their image URL in the admin panel but no awards image show up.
  4. llju1

    New VA Skin

    Ok Did re-alignment and just 1 copyright ;D Thanks again
  5. llju1

    New VA Skin

    WoW thanks for all the advice. I thin I have the site working the way I want it now.Everyone was a great help. Let me know what you think.
  6. llju1

    New VA Skin

    I Know this has been handled in another thread but How do you get 2 siedbars(left and right) and a center column such as European Gateway has. I find I am having to scroll down my page to look at all the info. EuGate way has their page setup like I want mine ;Dhttp://www.europeangateway.info/ Can any one help Thanks
  7. llju1

    New VA Skin

    Ok I moved the pilot center Links to a must be logged in status. I agree it needed to be done that way Thanks for the suggestion. Let me know what else I can do. It has bee many years since I skinned or coded for PHP. ;D
  8. llju1

    New VA Skin

    Ok have done a lot more to My VA skin and site. I think it has a much cleaner look now. also I did the last update and that helped alot
  9. llju1

    New VA Skin

    My skin is kinda busy but I have read all your post and gotten many great Ideas from every one. Let me know what ya'll think ;D Lloyd Mendenhall http://virtualmilitaryairliftcommand.com http://vmac.info
  10. got it to work.Deleted everything and started over ;D also I used the beta version go figure. Thanks for the help though
  11. Ok Does the phpvms need to be in my rood directory on my htdocs?
  12. Ok Do I need to write my own Config.php with my server,Databasename, user id and Pw. Am I missing something because I can not find a local,config.php or anywhere that would direct the phpvms to my servers mySQL database. I may be alittle old but this has gotten my stump Thanks for any simple and slow answers ;D Lloyd Mendenhall
  13. My Sever is running PHP5 I made sure of it Also there is not local config file any where. so I made one. how is the phpvms to connect to the data base with out some thing to point the way where to in stall. You can look at some other PHP forums and a VA Pirep system I have already set up by going to http://vmac.info Thanks for any help
  14. I keep getting this error when I try to do the install The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request. The script had an error or it did not produce any output. If there was an error, you should be able to see it in the error log.
  15. I could use the solution. I keep getting the same error :'(
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