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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Tom

    Bids page

    Hi, On my bids page im getting the following, rather than my list of bids: $bid->flightnum; ?> depicao; ?> to arricao; ?> aircraft; ?> (registration?>) deptime;?> arrtime;?> distance;?> Is there any known fix for this? (Using latest beta)
  2. For the stats you can download this class: (http://forum.phpvms.net/index.php?topic=1174.0) and paste the following code into your template: Total Pilots: <?php echo StatsData::PilotCount(); ?> Total Flights: <?php echo StatsData::TotalFlights(); ?> Total Hours: <?php echo StatsData::TotalHours(); ?> Flights Today: <?php VastatsData::totalflightstoday(); ?> Passengers Flown: <?php VastatsData::totalpaxcarried(); ?> Total Fuel Burned: <?php VastatsData::totalfuelburned(); ?> Total Miles Flown: <?php VastatsData::totalmilesflown(); ?> Aircraft: <?php VastatsData::totalaircraftinfleet(); ?> Schedules: <?php VastatsData::totalschedules(); ?> And for the contact form, just add a link to http://www.yoursite.com/index.php/contact.
  3. Tom


    Get IE and modify the stylesheet (saving it as another file, e.g. ie-only.css) so that it looks right on IE, then add this to your header: <!--[if IE]> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://www.website.com/path/ie-only.css" /> <![endif]--> <!--[if !IE]> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://www.website.com/path/normal-style.css" /> <![endif]-->
  4. Heres my attempt: Edit: 69th post. Ehehehehe :
  5. I'm sure I can give it a go.. Do you have the original background?
  6. Yeah, and we're here to take over.. 8) After phpvms, the world.. obviously
  7. Aha no problem
  8. Maybe you accidentally minimized the other forum? Look for an orange bar with a + and "phpvms" on it at/near the bottom of the forums?
  9. You have your footer div inside your contentwrapper div. Try moving it below an extra </div> (to remove it from contentwrapper) and add overflow:hidden; to contentwrapper. I tried it on FF with firebug and it should look something like this: http://www.europeangateway.info/content/flyvaa.jpg
  10. Hows that div coming along?
  11. Meh, It works as intended in IE8, if they haven't moved from IE7 to IE8 or something actually decent then they're living in the past 8)
  12. How about overflow:hidden; on the div that wraps the content?
  13. You'll need like -20 off your current left margin.
  14. ^^ ??? rather dramatic don't you think? I must admit it is familiar though. And, shame it doesn't really work, all the images are missing.
  15. Tom

    In Progress

    Looking at your code, you need to be doing it like this: <div id="content-left"> <div id="leftitem"> Content for one box </div> <div id="leftitem"> Content for a second box </div> </div> This is because content-left is your left floated column, so if you have more than one content-left theres going to be more than one left column, so you have to have extra divs within the one column.
  16. Tom

    In Progress

    Er. Are you sure they have no style and are within the left div? If you have like i quoted earlier, with leftside having the style (float:left; etc) and the sideitem having no style at all, then they should be one under another... Like I have (link in sig)
  17. Tom

    In Progress

    Could I see what exactly goes wrong?
  18. Tom


    Hmm this is a really good idea. If I had the time I would work on it myself, but I really don't have enough at the moment.
  19. No problem I like this design. Very blue..
  20. You would need to add your drop down to contact_form.tpl : <select name="recipient"> <option value="staffmember@website.com">Staff Member</option> <select> And in the php you would need to find the part where it mentions: Util::SendEmail(ADMIN_EMAIL, $subject, $message); and change to: Util::SendEmail($this->post->recipient, $subject, $message); where recipient is the name of your dropdown. I think
  21. Tom

    In Progress

    For the sidebar, have the main side div, and item divs within (if you mean you want separated blocks), for example: <div id="leftside"> <div id="sideitem">sideitem content</div> <div id="sideitem">sideitem2 content</div> </div> And, links: a:link { // link style } a:visited { //visited link style } a:hover { //mouseover link style } a:active { //active link (no idea) } It's a great start!
  22. Try this in your css: min-height:900px; Should work.
  23. Looks good! For the background, I always use a png with transparency horizontally repeated, and a block colour background underneath for the rest of the page - e.g. In your case, a darker blue gradient to transparent, and then a lighter blue block colour background underneath. This should give the desired effect (Im not aware of browsers not supporting png's - if they don't they're far behind). The best way to make content boxes with div's is pretty much however you want it to look; one, two, three+ columns... it's possible. Good luck
  24. Yes I'll be leaving it there for the foreseeable future And thanks
  25. Tom

    Custom Pages

    Try clicking in the content editor box, then clicking the icon. For me, at first they are greyed out and don't work, but when you click in the content box they work.
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