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Everything posted by avdesigns

  1. You Could just leave it there but put a page on which says registration closed and tell the navigation to go there. Also you could make a under construction page and tell the htaccess to send to index.html instead of index.php Of course there are ways round these I suppose you could do the first suggestion and change the name of the registration folder to registration1 or something, Then change it back when your accepting. There probably is a better way but thats all I know
  2. Brilliant website + looks great on my phone
  3. Hello, I want to move the location of where the cockpit is shown on fsx as its sitting next to the wings and not at the front. How can I config the cockpit to be at the front. Its fine on out side view but is incorrectly positioned on internal thanks
  4. So you want help say putting these into the schedule brief?
  5. Have you tried putting all of the original acars map files in templates?
  6. have you tried the nav data from fs products http://fs-products.net/PhoenixVA/index.php/downloads
  7. Closed
  8. bump
  9. How would I make a table with the days of the week in it using sim pilots schedule. I want it to look similar to freshjet Thanks in advance
  10. I dont understand?
  11. yeah, what I dont understand with easyjet though is that they will have a tv show making them look really bad to the public yet dont allow a virtual airline making them look good
  12. agreed, if you want a total custom system thats not kacars try freelancer's website although I will warn you your better off getting a custom kacars than paying over the odds
  13. Constructive edits John If you go to this site http://www.fs-products.net it gives you all the prices if you scroll down and an email too
  14. avdesigns


  15. Yes the website is still up and running
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