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Everything posted by avdesigns

  1. Yeah I had alot of trouble searching for it, thank you very much Tom that works!
  2. Hello, I need a div between my header and footer for every page but the homepage is there any php or anything I could use so on the homepage the div wouldn't be visible. Or would I have to add the div manually on each page? Thanks
  3. Thomson virtual has invested in a new tracking system to help its pilots have a better experience. Our new smartCARS system means that pilots have access to automatic announcements, crew chat and an easier bidding system. We would like to also welcome new members to join our virtual airline and experience what we have to offer. Thomson virtual was created to allow a learning environment which involves fun and excitement. We allow pilots to fly aircraft such as the Boeing 737, Boeing 757, Boeing 767 and the airbus family. We hope to have an increasing presence on the online networks such as IVAO and VATSIM and we provide a teamspeak server so pilots can share experiences and help each other. We have a great management team who always strive to do their best by providing the best service possible. www.thomsonva.com Thanks Jacob Axford
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  4. Hello, After developing Taba which is an airport in Egypt, I've decided to offer a service for scenery creation. This means ground plans based on the real airports (Gates, runways, taxiways, buildings - all in the correct places) unfortunately this doesn't include custom modeled building as what you would expect in a Aerosoft packages but it does include the correct placement of building that are included in the FSX SDK. However I can correctly place all of the airports facilitation into the correct locations including buses, terminals buildings such as fire stations and even static A/C. The work will be Attribution 3.0 Unported so you can distribute and change it. Obviously no set prices are available as jobs vary depending on airport size. For quotes and questions contact me on skype at jacob.axford Kind Regards Jacob
  5. I would probably say the bit with news and pilots, also the big image can get a bit annoying
  6. Not to mention the incorrectness of the stuff like the ip address, but people do believe stuff like this in reality
  7. Haha true Just posting as not everyone would think how we would.
  8. Hello everyone, I would just like to let you know to ignore the following email. This is a scam - I can assure you this is a scam and to not give it your details! Sorry for the brute title just didnt want anybody making a mistake they would regret. Kind Regards Jacob
  9. Virtual Lufthansa, now this is something many have been waiting a while for. The site looks nice and you will probably appeal a lot to German pilots as there is a lack of decent German virtuals. Good Luck!
  10. Private message ^
  11. Whilst I wont be giving a way any details, the email address they signed up with, matches the private email of one of there staff members (So very doubtful that its somebody else) also the IP deviates from the location also the IP matches the location of the staff member I suspect it is. -- Looks like a PHPVMS Moderator has just signed up... with a fake name.
  12. Hello, Yes I have noticed that problem, however that should be solved soon. ezyVirtual I was just a staff member for and FlyAero was failing to attract active pilots so it seemed a nicer idea to allow others to use the skin instead. However its really unhelpful when I have Thomsonvirtual.com staff signing up using fake names and countries. Jacob
  13. Thomson Virtual is a new development that features a modern site and a friendly atmosphere. We provide a service for Flight Simulator users in which members will be involved in realistic operations which recreate those of the real Thomson Airways. Thomson Virtual was created to allow a learning environment which involves fun and excitement. We allow pilots to fly aircraft such as the Boeing 737, Boeing 757, Boeing 767 and the airbus family. We hope to have an increasing presence on the online networks such as IVAO and VATSIM and we provide a teamspeak server so pilots can share experiences and help each other. We have a great management team who always strive to do their best by providing the best service possible. http://www.thomsonva.com Join today! -- Notice: Please do give constructive feedback, not a comment about the other TOM VA. Thank you
  14. On previous skins I found it was due to un-needed Javascript so maybe try taking anything out of layout.tpl that says things like version 1.6 as this is already coming from the core header Kind regards Jacob
  15. They should come with the paint kit under channels? just tick the box and then save. Thats what I did with the PMDG should be same with iFly Regards Jacob
  16. ryrvirtual are returning http://www.ryrvirtual.com/
  17. Very Professional Language. If that's how you act towards credits of the the phpvms community, I wouldn't suggest opening a forum. Probably best a moderator locks this post? Anyway good luck... Jacob
  18. Hello, Im wondering if there's a way I can add a message to my site that works like the cookie law onces, where is slides from the top and asks you to accept However I want it to say about how this isnt the real airline and if the click agree it will disappear forever or if they disagree it will direct them to the airlines site. Please could somebody send me a link to a site or tell me what I need to search? Thanks! Jacob
  19. Is this a custom .tpl for your live map? Alse you will need to make the map smaller in the config files Jacob
  20. Hello, Just wondering if theres any code so when you reach a the phpvms site on an mobile device it will auto recognize and change the skin to a more mobile supported one? Thanks! Jacob
  21. Cant see the images? Jacob
  22. yes
  23. Is there a way to convert it to my awards so its the same table just with the awards the pilots has?
  24. I tried declaring li and ul with margins and padding but it didnt work? But what does crystal do to have this?
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