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  1. Yes I plan on monitoring suspicious clients and terminating their sites.
  2. Hi everyone, I recently invested in some new servers at a completely different datacenter for my web hosting business. I am yet to fully test them so this is where I have an idea. I'm thinking of running a limited amount of free basic PHPVMS hosting plans to check their reliability. So I'm asking the PHPVMS community if it is worth doing and something that you might be interested in. Obviously the free plan will be quite limited and obviously there will be paid plans (but I won't advertise those here if you don't want that). So if you could just answer the following questions, that would be great: Would you be interested in free PHPVMS compatible hosting? : Y/N Are you comfortable with the cPanel control panel?: Y/N How much disk-space would you expect? ... How much bandwidth would you expect? ... Thanks in advance, John Richardson
  3. Nice concept however a few pointers. Firstly a big issue is that corporate is not spelt "corperate". Also free hosting generally messes around with PHPVMS and it could be the possible reason why there is a PHP error on your homepage. Also on the note of free hosting; a TLD really boosts a virtual airlines' image. To be successful in the Virtual Airline sector, you have to at least invest in the latter.
  4. I'm currently the Web Services Director for this project. I highly doubt that we would sell our skin/template even before we open if ever. Sorry.
  5. No this is part of the same group of which Virgin Atlantic and Virgin Australia virtual's are in. The launching page is just an edited version of an open source project available freely on the internet, it is purely coincidental that they are using the same type of launch page.
  6. Shouldn't this be in paid services?
  7. I'm no longer part of this project and have handed control to 2 senior members of staff. It appears there is some confusion about permission, I did not say there was permission but instead I said we contacted easyJet and are awaiting an official reply. The name ezyVirtual I believe isn't infringing copyright however as said I'm no longer associated with project (apart from my skin being used) so I do not have any updates on the situation. Regards, John
  8. Hi tried that, but the dropdowns don't fit and they overflow, is there anyway to stop this from happening? Thanks
  9. Link doesn't work
  10. Hi everyone I've been working more on my site, tidying code up etc before the launch (soon!) and there's really only one more thing, which is trying to link FrontSchedules with the html <form> I already created. I've seen it done elsewhere but I'm not sure how it's done, so if anyone knows how could you please tell me! Link is: http://ezy-va.com/index.php Thanks in advance John
  11. Did you change the MySQL information in the localconfig file to reflect the new server?
  12. Thanks, it fixed it. [sOLVED]
  13. If you look at Name and then the actual pilots name, they aren't ligned up etc
  14. Hi everyone I've noticed on my website that the pilots list has messed up, I don't know what the problem is and yes I've searched the forums. I've re-uploaded the default pilots_list.tpl but it has made no difference. http://ezy-va.com/index.php/pilots is the link to see the problem. Thanks in advanced John
  15. It's because I registered a new domain and hosting account last night and transferred it all across. The new link is www.ezy-va.com . I will set up a redirect in a minute.
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