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Everything posted by Taran

  1. Has anybody found a fix?
  2. I submitted a transfer request but it did not show up in the admin panel. Any fix?
  3. Sweet Thanks!!!!
  4. what are the php tags? can you show me exactly how it's supposed to go in so i can just copy and paste it? I'll put it in a table later
  5. I've figured out the answer to: "how do i edit the source code through my file manager?" But i still can't get either of those codes to work. any suggestions?
  6. I put in just as you said and all it did was show that code. Could it be the issue that i'm using the page editor in the admin center to edit the source code? If so, how do i edit the source code through my file manager?
  7. I tried to put this code in a page source but it didn't work. What am i missing? This is how i added it: $pilots = PilotData::findPilots(array('p.hub' => 'CYYZ'));
  8. i got the stats to show, but now how do i get them to automatically order themselves for greatest to least?
  9. Here's what I'm wanting to do: 1. have a box on the home page that display the top 5 hubs by different stats (hours, flights, passengers, miles, etc.). 2. I want this to automatically change each month so it's based off of monthly stats. 3. I will change which stats it calculates each month. 4. I want it to automatically place the hub with the highest stat as #1 and the hub with the 2nd most at #2 etc. etc. Anyone know the code for how i could do this? Thanks In Advance! EDIT: I scratched out the things i've gotten done.
  10. The module is installed but the folder (core/modules) is still named: kACARS_Free Module - v1.0.1.1 Do I need to rename that folder to something else? EDIT: I renamed the file to "core/modules/kACARS_Free" and it works fine now! Will test a flight out tomorrow! Thanks!
  11. Does anyone know the code to get stats based upon airlines in the system rather than HUBs?
  12. I have changed the code as mentioned above, i have checked the file name, i have done everything and i still get this error. anyother suggestions? here's my website: http://www.victorvirtual.org/index.php/
  13. we do operate real-world airlines, however, the way we operate is what makes us unique. Check out our operations handbook
  14. Alright guys, here's your big Christmas Present that you couldn't wait to get! Victor Virtual Airlines needs your help! We're raising donations to improve our VA in total. Our goal is $70, once we reach our goal, all other donations will be donated to the Salvation Army. To donate, please click on our "donate" button on our website: http://www.victorvirtual.org/index.php/
  15. i have the money to invest, but donations are always helpful. Would you rather put $500 into it, or put less than that because others are willing to help you succeed? Makes since. so let's not get into another phpvms forums argument over BS.
  16. It appears to have errors right now: Notice: The template file "/home/zumewebc/public_html/Demo/Pacific//lib/skins/EosVA/header.tpl" doesn't exist in /home/zumewebc/public_html/Demo/Pacific/core/classes/TemplateSet.class.php on line 248
  17. Our website will not be available to the public until it is complete. However, the TeamSpeak in itself is proof of the project.
  18. Victor Virtual needs your help! As you all know, every VA takes a lot of real world costs to make it work. We are now accepting donations to those who would like to help us get open sooner. To donate, follow this link- Donate Now!
  19. That'd be great! Adding you now!
  20. Not yet. We are looking for someone to do a skin for our website now. What we are looking for is to fill staff positions and get everything in before we release to the public.
  21. Victor Virtual Airlines is currently a work in progress. I plan to open by the end of December, hopefully sooner. We will have a custom website, fully custom ACARS system, and much more! We will operate all the major airlines around the world to guarantee there are no limits. We also plan to become VATSIM ATO Certified. Keep tuned for more info coming along the way! We are looking for more people to join our staff team now! If you are interested please join us in our TeamSpeak3 server. Address: ts55.gameservers.com:9184 There currently is no password
  22. Awesome website!!! one suggestion: fleet page!!! happy landings and blue skies ahead
  23. Buccaneer Airlines "Parrots Fly Free"
  24. DISREGARD COMPLETELY, waiting on a reply about Patriot before I go for anything
  25. Download/demo link(s) plz?
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