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Everything posted by Taran

  1. I never could get this to work. Any other ideas for this?
  2. Did anyone figure out the code to be able to choose your departure airport? and also the code to choose an arrival airport for it to make multiple legs to get to that airport?
  3. Still interested in this code for anyone who could help
  4. Same thing happening to me
  5. Taran


    Sweet thanks! Also, is there a way to add a "Flown Online" button. Like a square check box that they click if they fly the flight online and have it show up in the pirep?
  6. Taran


    Could you put our logo in one:
  7. I can't login. says the user doesn't exist. Our Pilots database doesn't exist in phpmyadmin either.
  8. Taran


    anyway to put this in a .zip file so i don't have to purchase a program to use it?
  9. Not sure what happened, we did nothing in any of our files and all of a sudden this happens: we are using the Ocean_Blue skin: any answers to a fix?
  10. Palmer Virtual Airways is hiring for multiple positions! We operate on VAFS, require that our staff use TeamSpeak3, fly 3 flights per month, and stay active. We PAY our staff members with payware products! Our positions available are: Events Coordinator, Passenger Division Director, Cargo Division Director, KSEA/KBOS/KATL/EHAM HUB Directors. If you're interested please e-mail at: ceo@skyteamv.org Feel free to join us on Teamspeak3: Server address: there is no password. Thank You, Taran Salyers, Palmer Virtual Airways-CEO www.skyteamv.org
  11. Skyteam Virtual Alliance is a new and growing Virtual Airline that simulates the real world operations of Skyteam Alliance. We operate over 19 airlines and have over 70,000 schedules to choose from. We use a custom smartCARS tracking system called SKYCARS. Please note that we are in no way affiliated with the real world Skyteam Alliance or its member airlines. CLICK THE BANNER!
  12. thx
  13. I put that code in the template right above the </body> tag on layout.tpl and all i get is a stack of leaves on the top left corner of the website
  14. i tried that one and it's not working
  15. Anyone know of a script for falling fall leaves or pumpkins? or something for the Fall season? Like the snow effect for xmas?
  16. Anyone know of a script to have falling fall leaves or pumpkins? something for the fall season?
  17. Taran


  18. I don't have the link on the sidebar in the event's admin panel. All i see is events/sidebar_events.php but i do see all the info on the main admin page but no option to create new event. any help?
  19. Taran


    It was an error on my side, nothing with the skin itself. One question though. How can I get the Admin dropdown to count the pending pireps as it does with pending pilots?
  20. Taran


    yup. it does now I found the error.
  21. Taran


    i have made no changes to that file
  22. Taran


    It appears to happen on the public profile as well. so we can take out the profile_main.tpl being the issue.
  23. Taran


    I replaced my file with the original profile_main.tpl and it is still split. any ideas?
  24. Taran


    Also, Is there a way for the "schedules" link to not show ALL the routes on that page and just show the routes that the pilot searches for? we have every route for 16 major airlines....
  25. Taran


    I'm having trouble with the pilot dashboard. I haven't messed with anything except for one block of the options. but nothing as far layout. and the dashboard now only covers have the page rather than the full page as it should. Any answers?
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