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    Long Island, NY

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  1. That fixed the problem. Thank you!
  2. I am currently having the same problem. Someone please help!
  3. Where can I find the js script to include in the skin?
  4. Does anyone else have the same problem as I? I have converted a template for phpVMS use and the ACARS map is not appearing. Could someone help me make it appear? Thanks!
  5. Launchedon September 22, 2013, Air America has launched a new version of their website. There are many new features and layout changes. Visit at http://www.flyarvirtual.com/index.php.
  6. You and your pilots need either FSAcars or XAcars for live tracking. You also need live tracking enabled in XAcars/FSAcars.
  7. Air America will be using 4 Boeing 777-300ERs to embark on a Europenan Expansion! We will launch daily nonstop fiights from our main hub at New York-JFK to Amsterdam, Zurich, Istanbul, and Madrid. Amsterdam flights: Start November 1st, 2013 Zurich flights: Start October 1st, 2013 Istanbul Flights: Start October 15th, 2013 Madrid Flights: Start November 20th, 2013. Also in the next few weeks, we will be buying a .com domain! Visit us at (our current web address) http://airmaerica.site90.com!
  8. I have this problem and I reset my ACARs tables and it persists. How do I fix it?
  9. If you still need it, please message me. I am willing to help you and design them.
  10. Air America is looking for virtual airlines to have partnerships with. Please message me and send a 289 x 70 image of youer logo if you would like to partner.
  11. Check the site now.
  12. \Air America is a fresh VA that offers you the opportunity to fly in style and have fun. Join now at airamericava.tk!
  13. Can someone tell me how to get an updated pilot badge? I changed the background picture, so how do I get it so that it is that picture and not the default one? I went and edited the image and uploaded it.
  14. Nice looking!
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