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Everything posted by Ben

  1. People tend not to find you, you will need to find them. Try http://fstools.co.uk, Tom offers all kinds of services however I am not sure if he is working with them at the moment.
  2. Still alive Brian? I'd have thought you'd have kept on top of this...
  3. Sounding good!
  4. That would be fun
  5. +1 on the Brett Lowe thing? lol And so far, the only thing I don't like is the fact it's using framework 4 and i have to install it. Would have been better to publish with framework 3.5 or w.e is standard. Thats what i do with my apps, means there is less to bugger up lol.
  6. If people know how to use an ACARS program as in depth as this one im sure they can navigate a few button clicks inside of the aircraft...Especially if they are on a VA flight.
  7. Thanks for the info We've been running a VA for just under 2 years now, and doing all of that. But the pilots get bored, and were getting bored. We've got a few ideas and we will just have to exercise them, and see what happens I guess...
  8. Hellooo, Me and Tom are in the process of opening up a new VA around May / June time. We are a bit stuck with what to offer. We run a VA on another system that has been running over 2 years, and were getting a bit bored of doing it completely our way. The plan is to create a VA by the pilots, for the pilots. We'd like you to tell us what you'd like to see in a VA; for example, hubs, aircraft, routes etc. It would be great to hear back from you all. Regards, Ben.
  9. Ben

    kACARS - Feedback

    I'm running kACARS with easyjet, and I have noticed that today, during climb I levelled off at about fl060 en-route, and the program said I had reached TOC..Are you able to implement a timer for say.. A minute and a half, to allow any altitude changes, because I know that often ATC will have you remain at a certain altitude for a short period of time. Regards,
  10. Thanks guys, i'll disable automatic ranking, and award ranks as awards. Again, thanks.
  11. Hey guys, I'm currently doing some work on a military based group using the phpVMS system, and we need to be able to award ranks on a when and why basis, not on hours. I'm sure this has been brought up before but i cant find the topic Thanks, Ben.
  12. You'll need to code it. I'm not much of a webby person but I now a lot of people round here will give you a hand if you have any queries
  13. With the paid kACARS I believe you get a few extra features, such as pilot chat, a web browser, de-branding and more detailed flight logging. Perfect if that's what your after
  14. So I will sort out the position reporting system for another version of the ACARS
  15. Ok.. So maybe the positioning feature could be offered for a customized client? So i'm hearing keep it simple, easy.. Anything else you want to see? Things like pilot to pilot chat? News updates?
  16. For sure, well I will put all the basic features in, then as other requests come in I will be able to release different versions of the ACARS, and if the additions are not wanted by some VA's, I will update previous versions with bug fixes etc to keep everyone happy. I will start work on the flight logging possibly tonight or tomorrow. I have a considerable amount of work to be doing due to exams in may, but i'l plough on and get as much done as possible in these holidays.
  17. I have heard of this, (the position reporting) and it shouldn't be hard at all to add in. But as you say, if Mark1million knows more about this and would be happy to give me some info or go into more detail, i'l be happy to have a chat with him. And the data filled..My sole intention, as you have said, is to have most of it already filled in. It seems that having asked around other people, this is the preferred method. Are there any features being a pilot you would want? More utilities if you will, in-bedded in the ACARS to give you something to do whilst flying, or would you want it as a click and fly system? Thanks for the input so far.
  18. Hey guys, i'm currently toying with developing my own ACARS in conjunction with FSTools. The purpose of this ACARS is to have user input reduced to a minimum, to reduce the amount that can go wrong.. That is of course unless you, the user, would want more input? Now my aim is to produce a piece of software completely free (apart from de-branding etc, being optional) with maximum features, bug free and hopefully the best ACARS out there. It's not guaranteed that I will complete the ACARS, but I'd very much like to give something back to the guys here, and everywhere else across the aviation spectrum. So this is mainly for you to request any features that you'd like to see.. Thanks, Ben
  19. Not had any so far.. Think it's fixed it :)

  20. If you wan't to code your own ACARS, i'd suggest to do it in VB or C#, because those two languages are well documented in the FSUIPC and FSX SDK's
  21. Just been surfing google street view, and i noticed a little 3d thing where you can toggle 3d imagery on and off. I dont know if it works cause i dont have any 3d specs, but it'd be cool if someone does try it and let me know the results
  22. Is it because your result is top of the list?
  23. Shall do sir.
  24. I'll help you out if needed
  25. Chrome is the browser to go for. Much faster than IE and Firefox. And i can agree with Toms's posts. Some people charge you in excess of even $100 and the quality and customer satisfaction and support you receive is poor, Tom produces fantastic skins, for such a low price. It's because he enjoys helping the community and the satisfaction of seeing his work being used. If your not able to skin yourself, your only other bet is to get a free skin ( which are usually bad quality and rushed ) or to pay somebody respectable ( Tom ) to produce you one. My two cents.
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