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Everything posted by vicente

  1. with me too
  2. I already uninstall and re-install after but the problem yet happend!!
  3. he inst send the log but when i remove the TAM of PilotNumber=TAM0001 he sent but he didnt show to me in the admin center.
  4. The same error with me!!
  5. I dont know I delete my old version and I install the ney version but he isnt send the log only when i remove in the in the TAM0001 he only send when i remove the TAM and stay only the numbers. My ini is [Log] Log=http://www.voetamvirtual.net/DOT/action.php/ACARS/fsacars/pirep Mail= URL=http://www.voetamvirtual.net/DOT/action.php/ACARS/fsacars passwd= [FSacars] CompanyICAO=TAM CompanyName=Tam Linhas Aéreas Virtual S/A CompanySite=http://www.voetamvirtual.net/DOT UnitSystem=GB Remarks=RMK/ UseLocal=0 PilotNumber=TAM0001 CompanyIATA=FLIGHT # CallsignUses= AcarsSite=http://www.voetamvirtual.net/DOT/action.php/ACARS/fsacars/acars StatusSite=http://www.voetamvirtual.net/DOT/action.php/ACARS/fsacars/status FPSite=http://www.voetamvirtual.net/DOT/action.php/ACARS/fsacars/flightplans AcarsUplinkResetSite= AcarsUplinkSite= Antic= [Events] UseCargo=0 FlapsEvent=1 ToutchDownEvent=1 TOLDPosEvent=1 TOCTODEvent=1 ComFreqEvent=1 GearEvent=1 FlightLengthEvent=1 VrV2Event=1 PIREPEvent=1 FlightPosEvent=1 N1Event=1 DurationEvent=1 FuelEvent=1 WeightEvent=1 MetarsEvent=1 DistLandEvent=1 [Realism] NoSlew=0 NoPause=0 Crash=0 PIC=0 MinReset=0 MaxReset=0 Wave= [sendLog] Password=0 PilotNumber=1 Date=1 Hour=1 Callsign=1 IATAN=1 Regist=1 Depart=1 Arrival=1 Alternate=1 PlaneType=1 SpentFuel=1 IniFuel=0 EndFuel=0 Dur=1 Len=1 TD=1 ZFW=1 Log=1 Version=1
  6. Hey I need a help because my system ever flight dont send the log i dont know why anyone can help me please
  7. To upgrade the system I need to upload all the files that are for download at the site phpvms or just need for the install? Can someone help me step by step how to upgrade the system? Thanks
  8. Hey Thanks!! ;D ;D ;D ;D
  9. was wondering if there is any change in status of the aircraft for example when we edited in the admin center if you have to put them on maintenance or not I did this by adding a table in phpmyadmin and seeking via ops_aircraftlist and ops_aircraftform but I can not save it in phpmyadmin information anyone has any idea about this? Thanks
  10. I need to remove this lines ? <h3>Tempo</h3> <div align="center"> <p><img src="http://flightaware.com/resources/wx/us_depiction.gif" /></p> <p><img src="http://flightaware.com/resources/wx/surface_analysis.gif" /></p> <p><img src="http://flightaware.com/resources/wx/national_radar.gif" /></p> <p><img src="http://flightaware.com/resources/wx/us_high_level_weather_12z.gif" /></p> <p><img src="http://flightaware.com/resources/wx/severe_outlook_day_1.gif" /></p> <a href="http://flightaware.com/resources/weather_maps/" target="_blank">Ver mais gráficos de tempo</a> And substitue for <?php include('weather.tpl'); ?>
  11. My version is the (1.2.700).
  12. Someone know how i can change the color text of the signature ? Thankyou
  13. Nico Code.I have a doubt how do you fix to show the Charts of the Jappensen ?
  14. Yes i know i'm using the FSACARS in my virtual airline.
  15. People have times when the system get the touch down and have some flight when he doesn't get the touch down someone can help me please ?
  16. And do you can show your " schedules_briefing.tpl:" to see a example to where i can put the <?php include('fuel.tpl'); ?> because i put but the system show to me "no aircraft performance data available".Do you can help me as fix this please? Thankyou.
  17. Sorry the link of the table hear. http://voetamvirtual.net/pilot_roster.php
  18. TAM VIRTUAL www.voetamvirtual.net
  19. I Did a new pilot list adapted of the FSACARS code. This code need conect_db.Example <?php $hostName = "localhost"; $userName = "XXXXX"; $password = "XXXX"; $dbName = "XXXXX"; /* make connection to database */ mysql_connect($hostName, $userName, $password) or die("Unable to connect to host $hostName"); mysql_select_db($dbName) or die("Unable to select database $dbName"); ?> <?php /* Constants */ @define ("MYSQL_CONNECT_INCLUDE", "connect_db.php"); // MySQL database connection (a sample file is included) /* Database connection */ include(MYSQL_CONNECT_INCLUDE); /* Select all pilots */ $query = "SELECT * FROM phpvms_pilots ORDER BY pilotid ASC"; $result = mysql_query($query); /* Determine the number of pilots */ $number = mysql_numrows($result); if ($number > 0) { /* Print roster header Change this HTML to fit your webpage layout */ print "<table>"; print "<tr>"; print "<td bgcolor=#FF0000 width=73 height=12 align=left><font face=Arial color=#FFFFFF size=1><b>Primeiro Nome</b></font></td>"; print "<td bgcolor=#FF0000 width=73 height=12 align=left><font face=Arial color=#FFFFFF size=1><b>Ultimo Nome</b></font></td>"; print "<td bgcolor=#FF0000 width=73 height=12 align=left><font face=Arial color=#FFFFFF size=1><b>País</b></font></td>"; print "<td bgcolor=#FF0000 width=73 height=12 align=left><font face=Arial color=#FFFFFF size=1><b>Tempo de Voo</b></font></td>"; print "<td bgcolor=#FF0000 width=73 height=12 align=left><font face=Arial color=#FFFFFF size=1><b>Hub</b></font></td>"; print "<td bgcolor=#FF0000 width=73 height=12 align=left><font face=Arial color=#FFFFFF size=1><b>Total de Voos</b></font></td>"; print "<td bgcolor=#FF0000 width=73 height=12 align=left><font face=Arial color=#FFFFFF size=1><b>Data de Ingresso</b></font></td>"; print "</tr>"; /* Get pilots info */ for ($i=0; $i<$number; $i++) { $totalflights = mysql_result($result,$i,"totalflights"); $firstname= mysql_result($result,$i, "firstname"); $lastname= mysql_result($result,$i, "lastname"); $location = mysql_result($result,$i, "location"); $totalhours = mysql_result($result,$i, "totalhours"); $joindate = mysql_result($result,$i, "joindate"); $hub = mysql_result($result,$i, "hub"); $id = mysql_result($result,$i, "pilotid"); /* Display roster entries */ print "<tr>"; print "<td width=73 height=12 align=left><font face=Arial size=1 color=#000000>$firstname</font></td>"; print "<td width=73 height=12 align=left><font face=Arial size=1 color=#000000>$lastname</font></td>"; print "<td width=73 height=12 align=left><font face=Arial size=1 color=#000000>$location</font></td>"; print "<td width=73 height=12 align=left><font face=Arial size=1 color=#000000>$totalhours</font></td>"; print "<td width=73 height=12 align=left><font face=Arial size=1 color=#000000>$hub</font></td>"; print "<td width=73 height=12 align=left><font face=Arial size=1 color=#000000>$totalflights</font></td>"; print "<td width=73 height=12 align=left><font face=Arial size=1 color=#000000>$joindate</font></td>"; print "</tr>"; } print "</table>"; } /* Print table footer */ print "<table>"; print "<tr><td><font face=Arial size=1 color=gray>Powered by Joaquim Vicente Felicio Alberico - http://www.voetamvirtual.net</font></td></tr>"; print "</table>"; /* Close the database connection */ mysql_close(); ?> If someone need some help call me. If someone want's to see the pilot list you can see hear http://voetamvirtual.net/virtualairline/index.php/Pages/listadepilotos.
  20. Hey sorry i already find and i already use the module. It's perfect congratulations!!! http://voetamvirtual.net/virtualairline/
  21. but where i can find the Landing module ?
  22. So i have to buy the system to have all the modules ?
  23. Hey i'm a braziliam i have the Voe Tam Virtual the biggest airlines hear in Brazil [www.voetamvirtual.net] Where I can find the download of this script? Thanks.
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