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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. Hey, when I import my secdhules, and I have many airports to create and I want the secdhule importer to look it up and put it in, I don't want to bother putting over 400 airports in manauly? Is there something wrong with the Airport Look Up system or what? Becasue every airport cannot be found in the sechdule importer.
  2. Look inside the kACARS forums.
  3. Yup, i would suggest you use kACARS too. FSACARS has been out of the development for a long time and it's not supported here.
  4. Hey, when I walked into my VA and I see errors on my VA Rank php code and I went over to vaCentral and I saw that the pages are missing, http://www.vacentral.net/ What's going on there, Upgrade or update?
  5. Kyle

    VAForum 2

    Something like a forum profile? Brithday, ETC............
  6. Kyle

    Editing Pilots

  7. Kyle

    Editing Pilots

    Will do Nabeel.
  8. Try centering your news and see what happens.
  9. Kyle

    Editing Pilots

    Anything that can stop the drop down selecting the first rank ID. I want it to automacily set to the pilot's current rank when I edit the profile in the Admin. I been firguring it out. Sometimes my staff will envently make a mistake and it;s annoying for them to change the pilot's rank back where it was other than when the pilot edit page comes up and it goes back to the first rank.
  10. Pretty Interesting, It could be a good idea to intergrate that into phpVMS systems But I Do not know any of them. But that could be a consideration.
  11. Kyle

    PIREP Log

    Hey, When I am veiwing a PIREP on the site and when I see view log and I click and it does nothing, but the log was already popped up. What is wrong with the log button and why is the log always showing without pushing the log button.
  12. Youself, you are just little disgrace to phpVMS. IT'S PERFECT TO ME! IT'S ALL IS NEEDED TO RUN A VIRTUAL AIRLINES! I'm finished with that............. Good luck with your rep and I think you may upset the kACARS developer becasue it's not good. OF CORUSE! It's good to me! IT's all fine and it works seamlessy!
  13. Kyle

    Custom Skinning?

    Unfortunately I know someone is willing to do it for a price but He's not available at the moment. That's all I know someone is willing to do it.
  14. Your the man, going to give this a try! I'll report back. Everything Is working and It's doing good with the settings! Now I have the power to control pilots to what they use for versions! LOL. Good Work lorathan!
  15. Kyle

    Event Log Timestamps

    Sounds Great. I really needed that multiple profiles for the VA. But take your time coding it into it.
  16. Your right TAV1702, very true. But i think it's still a good idea.
  17. Ummm, ehhh. I'm too picky!!! But that would be a good idea, but, what happens if there is a cat fight on over each other?
  18. I knew that you wouldn't release it when I saw it before. That's okay, I sometimes like to keep it ecvlusive to my VA's.
  19. Kyle

    Editing Pilots

    I did that, but it still keep doing it. Clear it up Pilot's Rank is Captain I go edit his profile, and then the drop down box for ranks it changes back to the first ID rank (First Rank)
  20. Thanks lorathon, that cleared it up.
  21. Hey, When I go to edit pilots, like say if the pilot is Captain, but when I go to edit profile, It changes the rank back to the first rank like "Trainee" How can this be prevent so the pilot rank won't keep changing back to it's first rank when editing pilot's admin profile.
  22. Welcome!
  23. Yup,
  24. Nope, you need to edit PilotData.class to edit it and Pilots.php module too. Really Tricky and requires good knowleage. But why not use custom fields?
  25. Hey lorathon, I remember a post you made while ago about a VA that is using kACARS with their own package, anyway. You said that we need to link kACARs download to your site or can we upload the orginal kACARS to the own site? Please clear that up.... Which one is okay?
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