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Everything posted by Kyle

  1. WOW! Thanks! I have my own servers, which i have a few new one's coming in. They are 8 cored! I'm going to put Cpanel, WHM,(that's with the cpanel) & WHMCS on the Apple Servers. Also i'm putting a grand opening sales for all hosting type & plan for 30% off.
  2. Will check it out nabeel! You will know in a few mins! Sorry Nabeel, i'm having some server problems. I will let you know when i update it. OK Got it working! Checking PHP version [OK] PHP version is 5.2.x Checking connectivity... [OK] Can contact outside servers Checking for SimpleXML module... [OK] SimpleXML module exists! Checking file hashes for corrupt or mismatched files [OK] No errors found! -- Checked 183 files, found 0 errors
  3. I do know. Thanks Nabeel!
  4. Please do not post this kind of support in add-ons, please post in the support next time. Thanks.
  5. OK, first of all, the topic title won't get us any antention. Everyone needs help and you have to be paitent and wait for a support to come. We have to be fair. This topic should not be here, it should go to supports. Next time you need help, post it on the support area on what you need help. I hope you understand. Now, you might need to run install/update.php I had this problem and i ran install/update.php and it worked for me. Hope it works for you too.
  6. I'm planning to create a Website hosting which in the next few months. Is it hard to run a webhosting. Like i'm providing a 24/7 support, Web Hosting, Resellers, Decatied Servers. Is it hard to run this big hostings? Like if i start out small and i have 10 clients and i have 50 new ones and i create new servers. Which i'm not going to try to cramp the servers. I'm going to keep it the best. Not overloaded or cramped in.
  7. Nope, you have to add the lines to the cfg. I don't think that's possabile. Sorry Tom, but it's something i can look into it.
  8. I'm not sure, but if you are just installing a aircraft but it exist, it would give you the option if you want to overwrite or something like that (folder.
  9. I have the same program, I'll try on mine to see.
  10. Hello, I can make install packages for your VA like aircrafts, whatever you need for FREE! Since phpVMS is a open source software which that's why i want to help out here! If you need anything to be installed package, just PM me here and i will get back to you soon!
  11. Also i will keep suggestig what needs to be improved or new features.
  12. You rock Nabeel! You did an awsome job building this program and it shall be the best open soucre! You worked hours hours on typing up the code to make it the best too! GOOD JOB Nabeel! You now desevre a break!!! Then you'll start buliding more Revs! Good Job Nabeel! I am impressed!
  13. Kyle

    File A PRIEP

    I think i am missing something?
  14. Hi, I want to put the rechapta on the file a pRIEP and i copyed the exact codes from the sgin up. and when i put it in and i get an error when i intergrate the recahpta on a file a priep. Fatal error: Call to undefined function recaptcha_get_html() in /home/highva/public_html/lib/skins/ObsessBlue/pirep_new.tpl on line 135 Why is that?
  15. But the problem, if one of them didn't do it, then how do we know who was it. That's why i really want to see that.
  16. Nabeel! I got a great idea! On the admin panel, on the activicy logs if you can put a new colum on the admin activiy log for IP address if someone changed a setting and the IP is cachted. THAT is a good idea! K i added to the bug tracker!
  17. Agreed, if there is no bugs to fix up.
  18. Ok, everything should be fully fixed before you release it. If you released a php program with many bugs, that IS NOT good.
  19. Ok, that's sounds awsome!
  20. I like that idea. How nice of you Nabeel for letting add-on devlopers on your bug tracker!
  21. Any updates on the 2.1 yet?
  22. Hey, I want your thoughts on which Flight Sim you like to use! It's public!
  23. Kyle


    That is awsome KIERAN! YOU GET ONE HIGH POINT!
  24. Simpilot, when i create a new event, it was already popped out.
  25. Same here.
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