No Problems at all. Everything is working on what you fixed!
Nabeel, one question. When i get the 2.1 and i upload them and i can run install/update.php?
IT could be something that your pilots would like, like eye cACHTING or easy navgate around. Probalry some styling up from your CSS sheet. I'm am learning how to skin everything. CSS sheet is the best to sytle out your pilot center!
YES! TOM! I have the 747-400's around the US.
I just finshed working on the timetable for the US. So I'm going to start putting the 777's over the seas.
Hi, I'm looking for a link to contact us page but i don't know what is the codes for the navagation.
Also i want to add one feild that so someone can chose to selece to contact to who like IT/Human Res./Support.
Ok I'm having some problems that one of the skins i got from on the pilot list and the bottom of the skin shifts up and the hub titles gets shifted to the left. Why is that?
Also I have a ferind been trying to get the pilots on the bottom that are shitfing to the left after the sidebars. Why is that?