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Everything posted by stuartpb

  1. Not any more
  2. See other thread, I think I've spotted the problem.
  3. On the last part of your code: <?php /* END OF ONE TABLE ROW */ } ?> </tbody> </table> <hr> add a } like so: <?php /* END OF ONE TABLE ROW */ }} ?> </tbody> </table> </div> Hopefully that should work.
  4. Going by the error, you have a misplaced or unwanted } in your code. I've just looked on the other thread, and can't spot the problem, but my eyes feel like they are glued on at the mo
  5. no worries
  6. I already have: http://forum.phpvms.net/topic/5309-modified-simpilots-frontschedule-search/page__p__35393#entry35393 I should warn you though, a few people have been unable to replicate what I done. It works for me. Just back up your original files, just in case it doesn't work. You can ignore the amendments to the search module, just concentrate on the schedule_results.tpl part.
  7. You can do this already. I have that option enabled on my VA's despatch system, with day, location and rank restrictions on all scheduled flights.
  8. Looks pretty good. I have been using a 3rd party solution (http://brain-cog.com) for the entrance exams, it's free but there's no integration with my main website.
  9. It's looks pretty good as a work in progress. I like the colour scheme, and overall design. There is a lot of white space on the home page that could be put to good use though. I noticed that you haven't resized the Live ACARS map, so a chunk on the right has been cut off. The same applies in the pilot's public profile page, with the flash PIREP chart.
  10. This could be done relatively easily using MySQL tables and PHP I think. I'll add to my experiment list It's like a commenting system, but a private one for the author.
  11. You would be better advertising your site on the many forums that allow VA promotion. Just ensure you follow their rules on advertising your VA. Everyone here is running their own VA, so you wouldn't get many interested pilots joining from here. Before you do advertise though, I would recommend spending spending some time on finishing the site. Don't be in a rush to try attracting pilots. Concentrate on getting the website functional, and looking good. Then go for it with the promotion. You'll find attracting pilots to join will be easier then. Even then, it's an uphill struggle getting new members, so be prepared for a slow start. Every successful VA wasn't built overnight, and every VA with a lot of active pilots built their membership up over time.
  12. I know it's no help with the current problem, but you can set up a CRON job to backup your data, as long as your web host allows CRON jobs. More here: http://forums.cpanel.net/f49/automatic-cpanel-backup-domain-mysql-cron-php-111213.html I use Rsync and Cron to perform incremental backups, ensuring that server load remains balanced, and the latest file amemdments are saved.
  13. There's quite a few planes that need doing mate, but we could get away with the low ranking ones being done now and the rest later. If you want to have a go, I would really appreciate that thanks
  14. With the help of my new flights ops director, we have finalised the rework to our fleet. Now though, we need to have the aircraft repainted, and my skills are definitely lacking in this area. So does anyone have any recommendations for people who are offering repaints as a service? Please only recommend if you have used their services personally. Thanks in advance Stuart
  15. Sorry for butting in, but are you running the KAacars as admin (right click, go properties then compatibility then select run as admin)? You do need to for Win7.
  16. For the ranks: <img src="http://yourdomain.com/lib/images/ranks/<?php echo $aircraft->ranklevel; ?>.jpg"/> You need to put the above into a table cell on the fleet table page. Make sure the path to the image is correct for your server and also you have used the correct image format (png,jpg etc) I named the rank images as numerical values, 1 to 9. Lowest rank is 1, highest is 9. The numerical ranklevel and image name need to match up for this to work.
  17. Sorry mate, i must have been making the changes as you were typing
  18. EDIT: Forget that, I think I ballsed the code up. For a really quick and easy way to get a progress bar that looks good, and is easy to modify: http://blog.leetsoft.com/2006/8/22/super-simple-css-bars You would need to amend the following line: <div class="progress-container"> <div style="width: 95%"></div> </div> To: <div class="progress-container"> <div style="width: <%=flight.percomplete%>%"></div> </div> Create a new table column, and place that code in between the <td></td>. Use the CSS as shown on the website in your skins stylesheet, and bobs your mothers brother!
  19. Regards the charter flights, we are using Kacars custom, and have stipulated that pilots must enter the route into Kacars before the flight commences. That way the route and % remaining are shown correctly in the ACARS & PIREPS data. We can't physically force them to enter the routes, but we can refuse PIREPS submitted without them. Find the line shown below in the ACARS.php module file: $c['pilotid'] = PilotData::GetPilotCode($c['code'], $c['pilotid']); And add this after that line: $totaldistance = round(SchedulesData::distanceBetweenPoints($flight->deplat, $flight->deplng, $flight->arrlat, $flight->arrlng)); $percomplete = ABS(number_format(((($totaldistance - $flight->distremain) / $totaldistance) * 100), 2)); $c['percomplete'] = $percomplete; Once you have done that, you can call the percent in the acarsmap.tpl file with the following: <%=flight.percomplete%> This will give the completion percentage in a whole number and two decimal places. You can simply use the text output, or use the value with CSS to create a progress bar, below is one example of how to, but there are many other ways too: http://cssglobe.com/post/1468/pure-css-animated-progress-bar Cheers, Stuart
  20. Looking good. Only criticism I could offer is concerning the use of a splash page. I personally don't like them, as landing on them soon becomes boring, but that's my personal preference. I know you can just bookmark the index page, but that requires me having to work. When I done my web design module, our tutor said that anything you add to a site which means a visitor has to think or carry out unnecessary steps is a bad thing, and I agree.
  21. There you go Joeri
  22. No worries, and thanks for the rep! Have some back.
  23. Well I did give you rep Jeff, but someone's playing silly peeps with the repping
  24. Thanks Jeff, much appreciated +1 rep to you!
  25. Jeff, would the code to go in the ACARS module's for each loop go like this: $td = SchedulesData::distanceBetweenPoints($depicao->lat, $depicao->lng, $arricao->lat, $arricao->lng); $percentleft = (($TD-$c['distremaining'])/$TD)*100;
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