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Everything posted by stuartpb

  1. You can get the same effect all in CSS using Font Faces, without having to resort to js or php. You would first need a suitable font, such as this one here: http://www.fontriver.com/font/led_board/ Then you need to create a Font-Face kit, which allows you to use embedded fonts in your webpages. The font is uploaded to the server, and when calls are made to the pages where the font-family type is present, it renders the font from your server, instead of from the users computer. Font Faces degrade gracefully too, if a browser is incompatible. You can create Font-Face's easily by visiting this website here: http://www.fontsquirrel.com/fontface/generator There is some overhead by serving the font from the server, but it's much, much better than using images for each individual character and letter. Cheers, Stuart
  2. And the US is a nation of salad swerving,lard arsed numpties .......God Save the Queen! British by birth, English by the Grace of God!!!
  3. I'll give a little advice. First you need to construct containers in your HTML, in which you would place the php scripting. You do this by using HTML divs and then javascript. The javascript takes the divs and turns them into tabs. When you place the php into the divs, the browser will render the php output into the divs, and the javascript will display them as tabs. You can look up javascript tabs, and go from there.
  4. Sorry if you thought I was directing the part about copyright at you. I wasn't trying to imply you were going to, or had copied the site. I was aiming that at anyone who feels the need to be a d*** and try copying.
  5. I spent a lot of time and effort on the feature you are asking for. I don't want to be giving out the CSS and HTML I wrote as every tom, d*** and harry will end up with a website looking very similar to my own. The javascript which allows this feature is freely available, and anyone can use it. This next bit is aimed at no-one in particular, it's following on from Mark's post above. What worries me is the fact that so many here are just copying what others are doing, instead of thinking up new layouts and styles themselves. I don't mind helping out a bit, but I won't give away my styling and layout, so everyone else can copy it. I've had two requests for the code now, and I've refused both times. At the end of the day, there are plenty of resources available to those who wish to build websites, both online and offline. All it takes is a basic grasp on CSS and HTML, and some effort. I learned because I put the effort in, it's as simple as that. There is no such thing as I can't, there is only I can't be arsed. It seems a lot of phpVMS users are after a quick fix, regards the style and functionality of their websites. It's a shame really because Nabeel has built a great framework which is a pleasure to style. Some of the questions we see here regarding styling are very, very basic. All it would take is a quick google and a read and it's problem solved, and the person is then wealthier in knowledge. I'm going to mention it here too, that if I find anyone copying any part of my website that is protected by copyright, I will commence legal proceedings. I have put over 150hrs into the site, and I will be mightily peeved if someone tries copying it. I know that the javascript is freely available, but the CSS and HTML layout I designed for my site is not.
  6. Can I ask you a question? do you think continually spamming websites, and annoying other members is going to get your VA any new members? I noticed over on the IVAO forum that you ignored the rules of the forum in which you posted, and then done so again once the original thread had been closed. Now you are carrying on like this here too, and it's not going to win anyone over. We all know by now that you have created a VA, and you should leave it at that. Continually forcing your VA down the throat of others is going to result in a big fail for both you and your VA. Chill out, concentrate on getting the website and it's features as good as you can, spend time on the planning of your VA, and then just enjoy using and running the VA. Once people see that you have done that, then they nay be more inclined to join. I have to say, both the website and the planning behind the VA both look incredibly rushed, and that would put most people off in my opinion. I'm not trying to have a go at you, because I think your enthusiasm is great. You are spending energy in the wrong place though, with all the effort being spent in gaining new members, when perhaps you should be trying to make the VA much more attractive to potential members, both structurally and also with the website. I hope I haven't offended you, but maybe you should take the advice that's been given by many, and think about it. Spamming is just going to make people think you are a pain in the arse, and not worth bothering with. Cheers, Stuart
  7. Thanks guys, and nice job Lorathon, the infobox looks pretty cool!
  8. Apply some padding to the h3 element: In your css you would do something similar: h3#sample3 { padding:5px 10px } You would need to mess around with the padding values to find the best amount for you. I would suggest you do some reading up on CSS, as you are going to keep hitting basic problems like this. I would recommend this website as an excellent starting place: http://www.w3schools.com/css/ There is also a page dealing specifically with applying padding to elements here: http://www.w3schools.com/css/css_padding.asp Cheers, Stuart
  9. SimPilot done a schedule search module very similar to what you want. It's in the SimPilot Addons forum. Regards the ordering of the results, you can use JS to order the columns of the search results table, and it orders on the fly too, so pilots can order by whatever category they want by just clicking on the column headers. That's what I've done for some of the tables on my site. You can find the documentation for a Jquery script which does this - Tablesorter - here: http://tablesorter.com/docs/#Introduction There's also a demo table showing the script in action. You can style the tables up how you like, and it works very well. Cheers, Stuart
  10. I'm on the finishing touches for my website now, and one thing I wanted to alter was the infobox on the live flights google map. I've managed to pull off a decent enough style for it, but it isn't how I originally wanted it. I learned that you have to apply width and height to the container in-line, I tried doing it with CSS first and the styling gets ignored. I think this is because the browser renders the script container first, and then the containers content. Once you have a decent sized container, you can style the contents up as normal in the CSS stylesheet. The file that needs amending is the acarsmap.tpl file, found in the core/templates folder. Here's my markup: <script type="text/html" id="acars_map_bubble"> The div below is the container which has the size styling applied in-line. <div style="width:280px;height:165px;" class="bubble"> I chose to use a table for the content, but you can use divs, lists etc too. If you are going to be sizing the inner content container, you need to do this in-line too. <table style="width:100%;" class="bubbletable"> <tr> <td id="bubblelogo" colspan="2"><img src="http://execair.org/frontimages/bubblelogo.png" alt="ExecAir Flight Info"/><span>Flight N°:</span> <%=flight.flightnum%></td> </tr> <tr> <td style="width:32%" class="bubbleheader">Pilot:</td> <td><a href="<?php echo url('/profile/view');?>/<%=flight.pilotid%>"><%=flight.pilotid%></a> - <%=flight.pilotname%></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="bubbleheader">Schedule:</td> <td><%=flight.depicao%> to <%=flight.arricao%></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="bubbleheader">Status:</td> <td><%=flight.phasedetail%></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="bubbleheader">Dist Remain:</td> <td><%=flight.distremaining%> <?php echo Config::Get('UNITS');?></td> </tr> <tr> <td class="bubbleheader">Time Remain:</td> <td><%=flight.timeremaining%></td> </tr> </table> </div> </script> If any of you guys try this, Nabeel has kindly left some advice in the file, which helped. Here's what the infobox looks like with the CSS applied: Not too shabby, but not how I wanted it. I did want to utilise the tabbed infobox, but couldn't figure out how to implement it in the phpVMS acarsmap.js. Cheers, Stu
  11. Thanks guys, much appreciated!
  12. See above
  13. I've just finished adding pagination and table column sorting to the realshedulelight addon, and also the final CSS alterations. If anyone is interested, I'll put together a description of how I done it. With the table sorting, you can easily find airports where aircraft are located, and also airports where jumpseats are available. Here's a new screenshot of the addon now: You can view it live here: http://execair.org/index.php/despatch Cheers, Stuart
  14. The overall cost was close to £2000. The custom watercooling took a fair chunk of that (over £200), and also the professional respray (around £200 if I remember rightly). Then the various modding parts took another chunk. The components stood me at around £1200. I had a budget of £1700 but went way over that by the end of the build. It sounds very expensive, but for that money I got a unique PC, and one which could easily outperform pre built PC's at the same price point. Half the fun was building the rig too.
  15. @Jeff, it's easy on the juice, but not on the electric bill!! @Mark, Thanks I really miss that case, but the next one is going to be much better, as long as the missus doesn't get hold of my costings sheet!! My PC hardware is slumming it at the mo, in an Antec Skeleton chassis (I got it as a freebie, and it'll do till I build my next case).
  16. I am not going to be able to offer my services for skinning now, as I have taken on a new contract with my business. The new contract is going to leave me with little time spare, and certainly not enough to be commissioning new websites. So I am withdrawing my availability for this service.
  17. I have a self built PC, and always build my own. My rig specs are: Asus P6T mobo Intel Core i7 920 Kingston HyperX DDR3-2000 12GB kit (6x2GB sticks) 2x 500Gb Barracuda SATA II HDD's CM Silent Pro M 700w PSU Asus 20x DVD-RW ATI HD6870 GPU Custom watercooling Asus Xonar Essence ST Audio Windows 7 Ultimate I'm into custom PC building, and this is the last rig I built: I sold the chassis, and have upgraded some of the components since I built the one shown in the photo. I'm going to be building a new chassis and rig over the summer hols, so that's something for me to look forward to. If any other modders here are interested, I wrote a bloggy style site, documenting the build here: http://hexsys.co.uk/test2/ ( I done the site as a uni project).
  18. If anyone is going to have a look at the site, please hold off on the schedules/despatch stuff, as I've just cocked it up Fixing it now. EDIT: Fixed it
  19. Thanks pal, I appreciate that a lot!
  20. I'm near to completion on my new VA website, but need willing people to give it a run for it's money, and give honest constructive criticism, before I launch the site properly. If anyone is feeling helpful, it would be great if they could sign up and have a look around the site. It would also be great if anyone could test out the live ACARS and despatch systems. Any accounts created in this testing phase would be deleted before the VA goes live (unless those who signed up wish to stay signed up). I am more than willing to repay the favour for anyone who does decide to help out too. Many thanks, Stuart The website addy is: http://execair.org
  21. I've installed this addon and I have to say I am really impressed with it Simpilot! With careful consideration to the flight schedules, I think this will work very well for me, and I appreciate the effort you've put into it. I've renamed the pages, skinned the index and airport info pages, and still have the aircraft and jumpseat booking pages to do: I've been messing around with the system, creating PIREPs and buying jumpseats, and it works a treat! I think if some of those who gave negative feedback took some time to consider what this addon does, and the effort put into it, then they would be a lot less critical. It does what it claims, and it does it very well! Thanks, Stuart EDIT: Finished the skinning for now. I'll probably jazz it up some more with icons etc. I'm not entirely sure about the colours, but that's easy enough to change. Here's the last two pages: This one took me ages to do, I built a table and divided it until I was happy with the cell placement, to get the look I wanted. I'm fairly happy with the outcome. I've messed around adding a few bits to the pages, such as adding a link to the flight briefs, and a few other minor changes. Still working great too!
  22. Thanks, it's good to catch up on the latest here. @Mark, thanks I appreciate that
  23. Hello to everyone again, it's been a good while since I posted here. With my studies at uni, and work and family commitments, I haven't had much spare time to keep up to date here or to get any flight time in. Anyways, it's coming up to the summer hols, so I thought I would get cracking on a new project. I'm creating a new VA website, but I'm not actively seeking to grow it. It's more of a project for me, but I will be using the VA system to log my own flights etc. Again I chose phpVMS as the platform, as I love it! I also love the addons that SimPilot created, so it was a no brainer. I've just started the skinning of the stock install today for the VA website, I had no clear idea of how I wanted it to look when I started, but it's getting there slowly. If anyone wants to register to have a look around, and maybe test out some of the features, please do feel free. Cheers, Stu EDIT: I forgot the linkie: http://execair.org
  24. stuartpb

    Logo Design

    I haven't forgotten about this thread Simpilot, I just got caught up in assignments for Uni. I reckon I may have a few ideas for you to take a look at over the weekend though
  25. Apology accepted Seriously though, I know you meant no harm or was being confrontational with your posts, as I wasn't in my posts either. So enough thread hijacking from us both and let's leave it now for everyone to chat about the topic at hand
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